#Loqicwebber2: saranix left you a message 4 minutes ago: i've missed so much of the CCG/DID stuff. Has there been any progress on lookup mechanisms? (i.e. compatible with socialweb)
#cwebber2saranix: the lookup mechanisms are method specific for DIDs, so they may vary... though we're talking about an abstraction mechanism that should allow you to always grab them over an HTTP protocol through a resolver
#cwebber2and yeah I don't know of any reason they would be incompatible with socialweb stuff
#saranixso nothing solid yet? it seems very open-ended
#cwebber2there are solid mechanisms for the individual methods, but for the resolver, yeah it's open ended / not solid yet
#cwebber2saranix: the short of it is that dlongley and I think that for users, it shouldn't matter what DID method is being used under the hood... resolvers can speak the same simple REST'ish HTTP API for all of them
#cwebber2I think we're gaining consensus on this but we don't have what that protocol looks like written up yet
#Gargronstill thinking how OMEMO is supposed to work in mastodon
#Gargronso every actor needs to have 100 pre-keys, however those are generated (some kinda key that's signed or something)
#Gargronand each time a conversation "session" initiated you need to retrieve one of those keys and use it and then it must be replaced with a new one in the list