#social 2018-01-04

2018-01-04 UTC
bengo, tantek, rowan, cdchapman, xmpp-social and saranix joined the channel
Guess I missed another meeting. I never know when they are. RE: groups, I think it's interesting that everyone looked at email/silos for prior art but neglected existing federated social networking paradigms...
... Anyway most handle this by making a distinction between the owner of an item and the author of the item. Admittedly that is still kind of confusing and not ideal but it is prior art...
... One way to cleanly convey the semantics in the AP protocol would be to send an activity attributed to https://example/group that indicates http://example/post/id was "Add" ed to https://example/group
... Collection (or group/outbox if you prefer but I think that's ugly)
puckipedia, tantek, jankusanagi_, JanKusanagi, raucao, ben_thatmust, trackbot, rowan, cdchapman, bengo, beatrix-bitrot and ben_thatmustbeme joined the channel