2018-01-11 UTC
rowan, cwebber2, cdchapman, xmpp-social, KevinMarks, bwn and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
# 19:00 csarven I like how the unit of information for microformats is normalised to triples.
# 19:06 csarven The format of the results is not that great. They should've just grouped mf into one or into mf1 and mf2 separately. So, either group by syntax or vocab use. The current results table does a bit of both
KevinMarks and rowan joined the channel
# 20:26 ben_thatmustbeme i'm testing some things now, I think the microformats-2 parser in any23 actually has some problems
# 20:27 ben_thatmustbeme i'm also curious how they are recording when a site has multiple types, i know many sites just implement everything
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 20:58 ben_thatmustbeme [Fatal Error] :170:3: The element type "input" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</input>"
KevinMarks joined the channel