#social 2018-01-26

2018-01-26 UTC
@rhiaro @SocialWebWG don't read the comments. I learned today that they can be very hurtful. Thank you for the great work. You all rock!
JanKusanagi joined the channel
rhiaro: thanks for posting that followup directing people here
I wonder if aaronpk ever set up that Slack bridge?
for people who don't like/grok IRC
cdchapman, rowan, xmpp-social and sknebel joined the channel
"It's taken many years of work by [@Tsyesika ], Chris Webber and many people in the @SocialWebWG . I'm thankful to… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/956874899221565440
trackbot joined the channel
@rhiaro @dustyweb @SocialWebWG Exactly: “sadly linked data people and Indieweb people seem to still show up on each… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/956882462503854080
dlongley and KevinMarks joined the channel
Are there any new namespace URIs in the recent specs?
I'm about to make a new release of https://metacpan.org/pod/RDF::NS::Curated and figured I might include them if there are some
KevinMarks_ joined the channel
rowan joined the channel
csarven, rhiaro: ^^? about namespaces... :-)
KjetilK Stick to what's listed at RDFa Initial Context.
csarven: OK, cool, I have that
It is up to date afaik
rowan joined the channel
ok, good, I'll have an extra look, to be sure
cwebber2, KevinMarks, cdchapman and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
cdchapman, KevinMarks, cwebber2 and puckipedia joined the channel