2018-01-28 UTC
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 03:07 xmpp-social [ajordan] cwebber2, aaronpk: do we have a date set for the next CG telecon? and if not can we set one?
# 03:08 xmpp-social [ajordan] Great thx
# 03:08 xmpp-social [ajordan] Yeah I do
# 03:08 xmpp-social [ajordan] 👍
# 03:11 xmpp-social [ajordan] There's also two(!) meetings with missing minutes
rowan, xmpp-social, JanKusanagi and xtof joined the channel
KevinMarks_, KevinMarks, jankusanagi_, JanKusanagi, Loqi_, rowan and bengo joined the channel
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 23:46 ajordan cwebber2, aaronpk: we're missing minutes from both the meeting on the 3rd and the 17th
# 23:46 Loqi ajordan has 22 karma in this channel (23 overall)
# 23:47 ajordan for the former Zakim doesn't seem to have been used at all and for the latter it was IRC-only. I wasn't there for either of those meetings though
# 23:48 aaronpk looks like they were both IRC meetings given the logs
# 23:48 ajordan aaronpk: do you still maintain that feed of meeting times?
# 23:48 ajordan I seem to recall some indie feed that would get turned into an iCal link
# 23:48 aaronpk oh yeah, I was posting them to my site for a while
# 23:50 ajordan FWIW I found them super useful to plug into my calendar
# 23:51 aaronpk my calendar is also subscribed to that so I would definitely benefit from posting them again :)
# 23:51 aaronpk I think I need an easier interface for creating them