2018-01-30 UTC
KevinMarks_, KevinMarks and rowan joined the channel
# 01:23 ajordan cwebber2: just checked and for some reason logs never got generated even for the meeting that *had* RRSAgent/Zakim
# 01:23 ajordan I guess I can just do some sed magic on my IRC logs?
# 01:55 cwebber2 ajordan: if you wouldn't mind doing that, would be appreciated!
# 03:37 ajordan it'll have to be tomorrow because my screen is still(!) broken and I can't be bothered to walk back to the library
KevinMarks, bengo, cdchapman, xmpp-social and Viddy joined the channel
# 06:38 Viddy I play a game and if someone wanted some tips on how to accelerate their game knowledge and application scenarios I would be able to step by step provide the tools, tests, and hand hold them through achieving their first results thereby setting the pace for their growth
# 06:39 Viddy i'm curious if there is someone here who is capable of doing that in a non-game setting
# 06:39 Viddy I'd like to put some food on the table
# 06:40 Viddy I'd really like to start a family :D
dlongley and xmpp-social joined the channel
jankusanagi_, raucao, rowan and bengo joined the channel
# 16:15 ajordan ben_thatmustbeme: yeah I think so too but one of them wasn't formally minuted so I'll have to muck with sed anyway
# 16:31 ajordan note: a bunch of old minutes referenced the WG instead of the CG so I just went and fixed all of those
# 16:32 ajordan I don't know at what point we dropped "Incubator" from every reference to the CG so I just kinda picked the beginning of August since that seemed about right
# 17:22 ajordan aaronpk: isn't Loqi supposed to log wiki changes? do they not do that for anything under the /SocialCG namespace?
cdchapman joined the channel
# 17:23 ajordan I like the line that says too soon? and then the one immediately after it that says TOO SOON
# 17:25 ajordan rhiaro: I literally gasped out loud and am currently crying with laughter in the library at "_Evan Prodromou’s_ PubSubHubbubbub" in comic sans
# 17:29 csarven Can NotPubSub become a NOTE? I think we still have time to propose it
# 17:55 ajordan FWIW here's the sed script I used to generate the minutes:
# 17:56 ajordan works on ZNC and requires manual massaging to get topics and such, YMMV
# 18:38 ben_thatmustbeme echo "very useful regex you should keep around" |sed 's/\b\([^aeiou ]*\)\(\w*\)\b/\2\1ay/gi'
_xmpp-social joined the channel
# 19:39 aaronpk ajordan: oops yeah I dont think I ever added the socialcg bit to loqi's wiki edit reporting
KevinMarks, rowan, cdchapman and bengo joined the channel