#social 2018-02-20
2018-02-20 UTC
bengo, xmpp-social, jaywink, timbl, timbl_, JanKusanagi and jankusanagi_ joined the channel
saranix I thought we were going to start weekly meetings?
cwebber saranix: we talked about it... I don't think we agreed on it though
cwebber I'm in favor of it, but I think not everyone was
cwebber btw someone asked me to give an overview of linked data and the semantic web for a school project they're doing https://octodon.social/@cwebber/99559526356657916
cwebber I'm sorry, I used the content warning system
cwebber and now you'll get RSI clicking through that thread
melody weekly meetings would be a little much for me, i currently have meetings re: my implementation with my little team on opposite weeks so having these every week would mean i'm either going to be missing more meetings or losing more time from my other day job work, but if that's what folks decide then i'll cope
cwebber melody: good to know
cwebber ty
cwebber melody: well, I dont' think aaronpk wants weekly meetings either
cwebber and we started having some pretty active biweekly meetings again too, so I think the "people forgetting and nobody showing up" thing seems to be less of a concern
cwebber I'm not sure if it's true that people not showing up means you should switch to weekly instead of biweekly, because then you have another problem that maybe poeple aren't showing up because it's a dry spell of things to discuss!