#social 2018-04-12

2018-04-12 UTC
evanp, phenethylamine, cwebber2, xmpp-social, tantek and vasilakisfil joined the channel
hello, I am wondering with existing WebRTC technologies, if W3C has some guidelines on how to interconnect different web domains. Like foo.mydomain.net with bar.mydomain.net. So that each person connects only to her domain that she trusts. I have seen some IETF work (https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-rtcweb-security-arch-14) but that's mostly for the browser vendors, not the application owners
fr33domlover joined the channel
so my idea is that if I want to call my dad, we will both sit on our domain that we trust, from the browser we trust, and initiate a call from there. Of course the problem of rantez-vous needs to be solved but that's out of the scope of my interest (and could be solved with something like Linked Data Notifications)
vasilakisfil what is your website/domain that you trust today?
tantek I trust my domain
at least I trust my domain way more than a company's domain that offers Voip calls
another thing that motivates me is that I am fed up with small Voip silos that exploit the technology/results that scientists have worked on for years (Voip) and don't even provide interoperability or extensibility but instead lock the users
vasilakisfil I sympathize with that frustration
erincandescent, cwebber2, jankusanagi_ and tantek joined the channel
Het leuke van Hubzilla is dat je gelijk aansluiting kan zoeken bij andere Hubzilla, Diaspora of Mastodon netwerken. Daardoor heb je veel sneller een groot en waardevol netwerk en geen losse eilandjes. En dat alles op basis van een W3C standaard - https://www.w3.org/TR/activitypub/
Guest84, JanKusanagi and jankusanagi_ joined the channel
may I ask why Social Web Working Group is not active anymore ? Is it becuase it succeded on the goals that were set when it was created ?
I am not very familiar with w3 working groups actually
[strugee2] ↩️ our charter expired - that's just the way WGs work at the W3C :-) but a lot of the same people are active in the Social Community Group! https://www.w3.org/wiki/SocialCG
evanp, bitbear, dwhly, jondashkyle, Gargron, vasilakisfil, vasilakisfil_, cwebber2, tantek and JanKusanagi joined the channel
Because of US gov't spying, Facebook's data centralization violates European privacy laws. If they'd used their vast resources to work on federation, they'd have no problem. https://indieweb.org/ https://gnu.io/social/ https://joinmastodon.org/ https://www.w3.org/TR/activitypub/#abstract all did!
cwebber2 joined the channel