2018-05-07 UTC
# 01:40 dansup Inspired by mastodon and the great work of Gargron and others.
cdchapman, xmpp-social and fr33domlover joined the channel
# 08:04 michiel (the article is a good overview)
cskau joined the channel
# 11:06 cskau cwebber2: Happy Monday. Any luck with the site so far?
vasilakisfil joined the channel
# 11:47 cwebber2 cskau: no... no good reason, I got distracted working on a library for fun. I was exhausted after a long trip. I will make some time for it today.
# 12:05 cskau Thank you for running the site.
# 12:06 cskau I'd love to help if there's anything I can do to help. Though I imagine it's all admin work?
vasilakisfil_ joined the channel
# 12:49 cwebber2 cskau: it's usually no problem to run... for longwinded reasons I early-adopted something that's now stabalized, but now I need to move it to the new version
# 12:50 cwebber2 specifically, letsencrypt support was pre-alpha when I set it up on this GuixSD server... I was one of the first testers of it
# 12:54 cskau cwebber2: oh, btw, you mentioned it being an SSL thing, but nginx also doesn't seem to be able to reach the backend - separate problem?
# 13:18 cwebber2 cskau: ah, yes that's separate but that bit is easily fixed
vasilakisfil, nee, cdchapman and mahmudov joined the channel
# 18:40 dansup michiel: interesting, thanks for sharing!
ben_thatmustbeme and cdchapman joined the channel