#social 2018-05-22

2018-05-22 UTC
cwebber2: hey, do you mind if I set up a matrix bridge?
i keep missing messages because irssi doesn't support desktop notifications or an unread indicator for s o m e r e a s o n
and so i'd like to reduce my platform-count by one, because i use matrix for most of the rest of my mastodon communication
nightpool: fine by me
Have been thinking the same. For FreeNode I've already migrated to Matrix
xmpp-social and vasilakisfil joined the channel
nightpool, cwebber2, jaywink I talk with many people on freenode who use matrix and there are disconnections and missed messages often, I hear such things all the time. Maybe w3c irc is different though? due to being smaller than freenode
It would be nice if freenode could collaborate with matrix on simulating the user list or something like that, idk
so that matrix didn't have to keep a separate client connection for each user
Guest84_, Guest84, fr33domlover, cwebber, nightpool and dansup joined the channel
fr33domlover: my understanding is that most of the problems are due to matrix running a single centralized irc bridge service that has problems with load.
i'll be running my own instance because i need to be able to point it to this server
nightpool, yeah it's probably the single instance being huge
vasilakisfil and ben_thatmust joined the channel