2018-05-27 UTC
cwebber2 joined the channel
# 03:20 nightpool saranix: im working on a GDPR research document for mastodon, would be happy to talk about things if you want
cwebber2 joined the channel
# 04:26 Loqi [PixelFed] Did you know that javascript is just a progressive enhancement in PixelFed? You can use PixelFed with JS disabled just fine! Its an homage to our StatusNet roots.
# 04:27 dansup I love vue, and as much as I wanted to use it, it didn't feel right.
# 04:36 saranix nightpool: sure what would you like to discuss? That site looks interesting but complicated
# 04:36 Loqi dansup has 1 karma in this channel (2 overall)
# 04:36 Loqi aaronpk: sandro left you a message 2 days, 23 hours ago: thanks, mostly I didnt remember the syntax
# 04:36 saranix dansup: my biggest pet peeve when trying to access services over tor. otherwise I generally don't care...
# 04:38 dansup aaronpk: I would like to investigate some indieweb support for this project.
# 04:38 dansup do you have any suggestions?
# 04:39 dansup saranix: yes this will be tor friendly
# 04:39 dansup I will also host a hyperboria accessible instance
# 04:40 aaronpk dansup: depends on where you want to start. For example you could enable more clients to post to it by supporting Micropub. Or you could enable federation with more other sites by sending and receiving webmentions
# 04:41 aaronpk I'm heading to bed, but happy to talk through this more later! Did I see you will be at IndieWeb summit?
# 04:41 dansup aaronpk: ok, we can talk later. No I cannot attend, I am in Canada and don't have a passport yet.
# 04:42 dansup I am working on the passport ;)
# 04:42 aaronpk Ah too bad! Well we should have a decent remote participation setup if you're interested!
# 04:42 dansup sounds good! Have a good night
up201705417 and xmpp-social joined the channel
up201705417, vasilakisfil, fr33domlover and cwebber2 joined the channel