#social 2018-05-31
2018-05-31 UTC
dansup cwebber2: I agree with your point, for PixelFed I want to use the term "mute" like GS/StatusNet does.
dansup hello!
Loqi [Christopher Lemmer Webber] AP and blocking Show more
Wow there's a huge thread about AP and blocking and it's a lot https://glitch.social/@KitRedgrave/100120770518479...

dansup Yeah I saw that, https://mastodon.social/@dansup/100121000029660948
dansup I agree that a block or mute should happen only locally, and shouldnt be federated for the reasons you outlined in your recent toots
dansup I wish gargron and lain got along as well as pea, yabir and myself (fontina, zinat, pixelfed devs)
dansup I mean, its not as bad as MMN-o. He was so unforgiving that he inspired mastodon, pleroma and pixelfed!
dansup I tried to contribute a password/timing attack fix to GS, mmn-o wouldn't even acknowledge it! https://git.gnu.io/gnu/gnu-social/merge_requests/158
dansup I respect that, I hope we can all work together! Its in the best interest of the fediverse and all the users.
dansup I have gained a lot of feedback from gargron, lain, pea and yabir. Its awesome how implementors see each other as peers rather than competitors.
dansup you must feel proud!
dansup goodnight cwebber2 !
cwebber2, timbl, jankusanagi_, JanKusanagi and dmitriz joined the channel