#social 2018-06-12
2018-06-12 UTC
timbl joined the channel
@deserat Oh wow.... this is a good idea! https://www.w3.org/TR/activitypub/ (twitter.com/_/status/1006337300844802048)
dansup nightpool[m]: client side, IG uses a bunch of different techniques to generate the filters according to the founder on Quora. I'm exploring a few server-side methods
dansup I tried using canvas and FileReader() but it was not a good UX to say the least.
dansup Since each filter is a css class, a user can change them. The problem is federation and app devs, they want the filtered image without dealing with css. So I will figure out a decent server-side solution eventually.
dansup nightpool[m]: does mastodon use that react-overlay lib for CWs?
dansup Gargron nightpool[m]: I have a few questions about how Mastodon federates CW and I want to get it right before I push federation support to PixelFed because I'm not the only one running an instance.
dansup oh right, discord
nightpool[m] we use the AS2 summary field and a sensitive boolean for federating CWs
dansup <kaniini> summary field != null if there is text
dansup <kaniini> and sensitive field == true in all cases
dansup so that is correct?
kaniini yes it's bloody true
kaniini why would i tell you something that isn't true
dansup kaniini: I'm just double checking haha
kaniini i mean, my opinion on the summary field being used for that aside, mastodon's decision to do so doesn't effect me :)
nightpool[m] sensitive boolean: this content shouldn't be shown to users without prompting
nightpool[m] summary field: here's a summary you can show instead
dansup nightpool[m]: okay thanks
dansup nightpool[m]: is that the only thing summary is used for in mastodon?
dansup kaniini: does pleroma ignore summary?
kaniini pleroma and hubzilla use summary for the post subject
kaniini when pleroma is hosting mastodon frontend, it will treat it as a CW
dansup Interesting, pixelfed only has the concept of a caption and image attachment. The image can be NSFW but I haven't thought about treating the caption as NSFW. Thoughts?
kaniini let me give you a preview of your future
nightpool[m] probably not necessary for your use-case
kaniini some person, lets say a journalist, posts an image of some horrific war scene
nightpool[m] although you'll have to think about what pixelfed users are going to see from OTHER networks as well
kaniini sets the media as sensitive
kaniini then writes
dansup nightpool[m]: yes that is what I'm thinking
kaniini "AUGUST 2018, Kandahar province in Afghanistan, the Taliban did blah blah blah blah blah and then we did blah blah blah blah blah and then these people died gruesomely"
kaniini i GUARANTEE you
kaniini there will be people who use the elephant software
dansup kaniini: So the whole post should be considered NSFW or a Content Warning
kaniini who will be ROYALLY PISSED about it
kaniini so personally i would support the ability to attach a post summary
kaniini mastodon will show it as CW and collapse the post, Pleroma will do whatever the user has configured it to do, and nobody will yell at your user for posting such a gruesome description of their photo
dansup This gets tricky because I'm trying to support non-js users. It would be easy to add another input to the form if a user toggles the CW switch, might need a different form for non-js
nightpool[m] it's a question of complexity and the affordances you consider important for your software
kaniini nobody said you have to collapse it in pixelfed
kaniini i'm just saying that it might be nice to attach a subject
kaniini because otherwise i guarantee you
kaniini you're going to have a shitshow at some point
kaniini and then there will be a discourse
kaniini and you know how those people love to discourse
dansup Why do you think registration is closed?
kaniini it will go for days
nightpool[m] oh no, people might talk about things
dansup Federation support is ready, I haven't pushed it because I want to finish CW and other stuff
dansup Its disabled by default for now. https://github.com/dansup/pixelfed/blob/dev/config/pixelfed.php#L76-L78
kaniini i'm just saying, you seem like somebody who would not appreciate a negative discourse about your software
kaniini and as they say, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure
nightpool[m] instagram thinks of captions as a very second-class thing, they're pretty short and they can't even contain links or stuff like that. If you're copying that aspect, then I think the ability to mark text as sensitive is probably not super necessary. but if you're trying to move away from that a little bit, then CWs are probably a useful thing.
dansup kaniini: You were the first person to send negative discourse, and I handled that pretty well. :)
kaniini i still do not want liltay in the fediverse
dansup nightpool[m]: yeah I agree
dansup kaniini: I am very receptive to feedback like gargron and lain, I can't imagine what they have to deal with. Just looking at how many issues were created for PixelFed is not fun.
kaniini anyway, i would either cripple captions to the point where they arent very useful for writing large amounts of text
kaniini or i would add CW
kaniini that's just me
kaniini that's how i would do it
kaniini because i don't like waking up to 5348 people who have had their sensibilities offended
dansup The default caption limit is 150. IG supports 2200 iirc but truncates after 150
kaniini ah
kaniini probably not much to worry about then
kaniini just do sensitive=true
dansup truncates with a read more link
kaniini and if there is an incident, you can revisit later
dansup Thanks, do you happen to know how federated emoji works?
kaniini yes i do
dansup Perfect, that is on the roadmap. I might ask you about that in the next few days :)
kaniini basically
kaniini you have in your attachments list
nightpool[m] something interesting to remember is that you can get the json representation of any mastodon post by just adding .json to the end of it
nightpool[m] really great for answering some quick federation questions like that
kaniini wait
kaniini yeah
kaniini you can do that in pleroma too
nightpool[m] (emoji aren't attachments, they're a tag)
kaniini by doing curl -H 'Accept: application/json'
kaniini yeah
kaniini they're a tag
kaniini basically
kaniini you have
kaniini in your tags list
dansup Interesting, do you normalize all federated emoji so you only store/reference a single copy?
{icon: {url: "url to your emoji here", type: "Image"}, name: ":whatever:", type: "Emoji", id: "url to your emoji here"}
kaniini you just shove those in your tag list
kaniini mastodon won't take .gif emoji
kaniini pleroma doesn't care
kaniini hubzilla doesn't support federated emoji
kaniini there's also misskey but i never succeeded in setting it up
dansup I guess if its not standardized, there is no reserved names and it could clash unless you somehow just associate with a file hash
kaniini so i don't know if it supports federated emoji
kaniini but what pleroma does
kaniini is it just proxies the emoji through it's media proxy
kaniini it doesn't try to normalize or anything
kaniini combine the proxy with hot cache ala nginx and it's a decent solution
dansup Ah, I see. I was thinking of storing file hashes for each media and de-duping
nightpool[m] probably not a huge file-space improvement tbh, considering how small emoji are
dansup Depends, IG users love emoji đ
JanKusanagi joined the channel
dansup I would rather not depend on remote media
dansup A media proxy/cache would be nice, might be able to get that done in the next few days. Thanks nightpool[m] and kaniini for the insight
nightpool[m] imo having a built in media cache is crucial for privacy
kaniini i would just do the proxy thing myself
nightpool[m] otherwise you can just send a status and get the IPs of all your followers
kaniini it's cheap and even php should be able to do it no problem
dansup I was thinking of storing remote emoji, not using a proxy
kaniini oh
kaniini i wouldnt bother tbh
kaniini what if they update the emoji :)
tantek, xmpp-social, timbl, jankusanagi_ and bengo joined the channel
bengo Anyone know if there is a list of current work-in-progress AP extensions? I just made https://github.com/gobengo/activitypub-extensions
Loqi [gobengo] activitypub-extensions: Git repo to manage extensions under https://activitypub.com/extensions/

JanKusanagi and kaniini joined the channel
kaniini i dont think there is a formal one
jaywink[m] bengo: https://www.w3.org/wiki/Activitypub extensions .. But it's more of an idea board and with difficult write access đ git based one would be great esp if linked to from activitypub.rocks

cwebber2 joined the channel
jaywink[m] Hmm mobile client removed underscore from link.. https://www.w3.org/wiki/ActivityPub_extensions

cwebber2 and cdchapman joined the channel
@sl007 âŠī¸ But I'd like to
https://www.w3.org/TR/websub/ to news &
https://www.w3.org/TR/activitypub/ with other readers & send
https://www.w3.org/TR/webmention/ to the page & maybe
https://www.w3.org/TR/micropub/ with their tools & use so much more
https://www.w3.org recommendations but all the media says "Go Facebook" (twitter.com/_/status/1006646203851968513)