jaywink[m]dansup: unfortunately so many things going on that all I have managed to do so far is some very early prep work, nothing much progress. Hoping to get it done during the summer.
githree, cwebber2, vasilakisfil, JanKusanagi, tantek and timbl joined the channel
Gargronkaniini: not at all, mastodon has been designed to handle both content and contentMap from the beginning, i just somehow forgot to serialize language as contentMap...
Gargronim not excited to send both because thats like double the bandwidth but i wanted to make sure other implementations wont be broken and turns out they would be so i have no choice now
kaniiniGargron fwiw i think in the next major version (2.5?) you could probably drop contentMap. we have some contact with the misskey author now and can work with them to pick up the change.