#social 2018-07-01

2018-07-01 UTC
tantek joined the channel
I'm almost done the pixelfed API :D
dansup, are you using AP for this or custom unrelated API?
fr33domlover: that is not related to AP, its for mobile apps and other clients
dansup, how did you choose between this API and an AP based API (i.e. extending AS2 with your custom properties and types etc.)
fr33domlover there are different APIs https://mastodon.social/@dansup/100286415005543941
[dansup] Working on API docs! #pixelfed
Image filters, Stories and other features like that will be supported by AP and the API
it will be custom attributes yes
dansup, interesting! I'm working on a federated web app so I'm very curious and interested in this!! I decided to try using just AP though, so I'm curious why you're having custom APIs :)
ephemeral video could be a big feature, and its not that complicated!
I just want to extend AS2 and try not to have any other API at all
fr33domlover: The custom APIs are for mobile apps, AP doesnt cover that
dansup, hmm why's that? Aren't there mobile AP clients? I mean, what's the challenge about them? I never checked tbh
well it depends on your use. Client to Server could work if your use case fits the spec. Mine doesnt
Neither does pleroma, mastodon, peertube, misskey, ect..
dansup, my use case is project/repo hosting - hmm why do all of these not fit the spec?
That does, but what if someone wants to build a mobile app for existing users on your site. You need oauth and apis
btw, I started on a federated github last year but never finished it! https://mastodon.social/@dansup/100134637851969731
[dansup] Federated Git.
AP could work very well with that, you would need to consider an API like GitHub has for integrations with CI, ect
dansup, hmm hold on I'm confused. Can Mastodon, Pleroma, PixelFed etc. imlement client-server AP and then there can be a mobile AP-based client that supports Oauth etc. all the required tech?
xmpp-social joined the channel
dansup, or do you mean like, for existing apps to access PixelFed more easily without needing to support extra tech?
Yes its possible, but to my knowledge nobody has implemented C2S because its too bulky and inefficient compared to oauth + apis (that are compatible with existing twitter v1.1 apis)
fr33domlover: imagine being able to use twitter libraries for pleroma or mastodon. That is possible via apis, not ActivityPub.
dansup, hmm I see. Well, I can also imagine using an AP client with both Mastodon and PixelFed and whatnot ^_^ I haven't checked existing AP clients though, I admit
I guess I'll see any issues with c2s when I start implementing
It's good to have all these points in mind :)
yeah! I am working on an ActivityPub guide
[dansup] WIP #activityPubGuide
It will include examples from mastodon/pleroma/peertube/pixelfed and others
dansup, awesome!!
bblfish, timbl and cwebber2 joined the channel
fr33domlover: the main reason mastodon doesn't implement the c2s api is twofold: 1) AP was implemented after mastodon was already reasonably mature. adding a second api with no clear usecase and no active users would have been bad, and re-implementing the entire front-end as an AP client would have been extremely difficult.
nightpool[m], yeah I understand :) I was wondering about new projects started after AP
2) the mastodon API provides a guide for the UX and interaction patterns we expect client developers to adhere to when building apps. In contrast, the c2s api is very general and designed to support any type of social media application. we think it's better when the "mastodon software" is tied more closely with the UX expectations people have when they think of the project
cwebber2 joined the channel
Mastodon is a federated microblogging community. things that break these types of affordances (posting full blog posts, rich text formatting, etc) are working against the core design of mastodon itself, and we can't expect the server to support it. but c2s clients could have any type of UX and it would be a very bad experience if someone tried to connect one to a mastodon server and only found a subset of the functionality they were expecting.
bblfish joined the channel
nightpool[m], hmm I see
cwebber2 and bblfish joined the channel
dansup, re federated git: My project is at https://dev.angeley.es , the UI is very ugly and minimal, basic functionality works but there's no federation yet, I'm coding JSON-LD support and hopefully starting to work on the API/vocabulary for federation soon! If you're interested, come to #peers :) One thing your project clearly has and mine doesn't is, a sane look :)
bblfish and timbl joined the channel
this is what Micropub is for FYI https://www.w3.org/TR/micropub/
it's been working great so far
if you don't like the vocab mechanism you could take an alternative approach of sending activitystreams objects from client to server but still use the discovery/oauth mechanisms that it specifies
authorization is a small extension on top of OAuth that gets around the need to pre-register clients https://www.w3.org/TR/indieauth/
aaronpk: i dont really see how micropub improves on any of the ux concerns
so far what's ended up happening is people are writing specialized micropub apps that post a high-res version of a post for sites that support the special properties while also including good fallback content for sites that don't
micropub is only half the story though since it's only about posting content, not reading content
I don't believe the technical challenges of fallback, etc are insurmountable with activitypub/as2 either. But it's a matter of user expectations and client UX design
sure, and I just wanted to point to micropub as an example where it's been working pretty well
timbl, bblfish, raucao, fr33domlover, fr33domlover1, JanKusanagi and tantek joined the channel