2018-07-19 UTC
fr33domlover4, fr33domlover, fr33domlover1, fr33domlover2, timbl, fr33domlover3 and test12321 joined the channel
# 05:30 RRSAgent excuses himself; his presence no longer seems to be needed
Guest84, xmpp-social, Chocobozzz, vasilakisfil, timbl, jankusanagi_, JanKusanagi, tantek, cwebber2, tantek_, fr33domlover and eayoungs joined the channel; RRSAgent left the channel
# 20:50 eayoungs slaps aaronpk around a bit with a large fishbot
donpdonp joined the channel
# 20:50 eayoungs slaps donpdonp around a bit with a large fishbot
# 20:50 eayoungs Hey, aaronpk donpdonp !
# 20:51 donpdonp greetings, actors. #seewhatididthere
# 20:51 Loqi donpdonp has 1 karma in this channel (1074 overall)
# 20:51 eayoungs Sorry about the slapping; just had to--it was an option, after all. :-D
# 20:51 donpdonp may the fediverse be with you.
# 20:51 donpdonp eayoungs: its ok, i made fillets
# 20:52 eayoungs waves to aaronpk
# 20:56 donpdonp ive been working the past couple weeks on a fun project, a commandline activitypub tool
eayoungs and timbl joined the channel