saranixuw_fluxus: after giving it some thought, I suppose you are right that usenet has had its fair share of success in this space. I mean, specially if you peel back the protocol and see that it's basically a hybrid between email and forums...
aaronpkk, I think we tracked this down to a bug in the client library, which seems to have read the http2 spec and lowercased everything including the values
JasonRobinson[m]AP usage is exploding. It feels like daily hearing of new platforms adding support. Today, two content creation platforms, a new platform called "Naamio" (not yet released) and - which is some kind of commercial offering
Loqi[@HelloNaamio] @jaywink Fully open source under MIT License, and aiming for full standards compliance for compatibility between any and all projects supporting #ActivityPub and #Webmention. We don't want to lock anyone in, or out.