KevinMarks, ma1uta, cwebber2, ajordan, cdchapman, tantek, Guest84, happy, timbl, happylrac and soup joined the channel; happy and happylrac left the channel
JasonRobinson[m]wonders what to do with Activities that are not unique, for example a "Follow" or "Announce" that a single actor will likely send out many during its lifetime, but with different objects. I'd like to use fragment ID's for activities, but it seems to me they wont then be unique
JasonRobinson[m]looking at Mastodon, it postfixes (presumerably the local boost) ID's for example for Announce with "/activity". Wouldn't for example any other activity after that done for that boost have the same activity ID? Will this generally be a problem if I take the same route?
JasonRobinson[m]just thinking if some platform uses the activity ID's in their db or storage to for example check if the activity has been received already