#social 2018-07-29
2018-07-29 UTC
xmpp-social and KevinMarks joined the channel
tuxether[m] Is there a standard way for creating a Person with password in AS2? Or should I not be using AS2 for that?
fr33domlover tuxether[m], what do you mean by password? How do you use the password and when do you send it
tuxether[m] fr33domlover: user registration. The password is sent once to the server. Salted/Hashed/etc. on the server side. I had a pre-existing API that takes username and password and creates a user. Thought I might be able to switch that to use AS2.
fr33domlover tuxether[m], I suppose it makes no difference to federation, so, you can use whatever you want. I'm guessing that websites that have an API accept JSON input for the registration page? It can be JSON-LD if you like, idk if it makes any difference. You could look at how Mastodon, Pleroma etc. handle registration
fr33domlover tuxether[m], if you use AS2 be very careful not to put that person object anywhere, don't store it
KevinMarks and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
nightpool[m] most people assume user registration is a
nightpool[m] outside of the scope of AP c2s
nightpool[m] and that you should use oauth to authenticate existing users where necessary
KevinMarks, KevinMarks_, cwebber2 and timbl joined the channel
puckipedia i did the pretty much impossible
puckipedia https://puckipedia.com/.json it's running on kroeg-rs now
puckipedia aaronpk: so ehm, it's mostly a hack for now
puckipedia I overrode / to actually have html
puckipedia and I set up .json to redirect the request to kroeg directly
puckipedia aaronpk: like, if you find an actual post like https://puckipedia.com/status/27a0db9d/code-is-good
puckipedia it's still json
puckipedia not anymore
puckipedia I had a kinda primitive html templating system in kroeg-c# but it's kinda bad
puckipedia yeah, I'm probably going to hook up a simple static html page
puckipedia yeah
puckipedia aaronpk: done, see e.g. https://puckipedia.com/inbox as test, I will post to all
puckipedia oh ehm
puckipedia works here?
puckipedia I have no login mechanism
kaniini same result as aaronpk
kaniini also, while i am here, as a reminder, death to json-ld
puckipedia oh huh
puckipedia firefox vs chrome
puckipedia oh dangit
puckipedia not setting Vary
kaniini aaronpk nothing, i just hate json-ld and think it is highly inappropriate for activitypub, especially since it has spawned use of LDS
kaniini ;)
puckipedia tbh there's no good json signature mechanism
kaniini puckipedia have you considered that signing the json might be the thing that gets people killed? ;)
puckipedia kaniini: did I say you should sign them? :P
kaniini :D
puckipedia ok, I got the thing to work, need to recompile some backend code too