#social 2018-08-03
2018-08-03 UTC
puckipedia <tuxether[m]> How does Kroeg handle this? ^ <- complete generic everything
puckipedia I parse it into expanded JSON-LD and use something not-quite-RDF
donpdonp up201705417: i think i just posted something to diogo's inbox
puckipedia also I built a guestbook on ActivityPub https://puckipedia.com/guestbook
up201705417 donpdonp: a follow request?
donpdonp yes
up201705417 if so, it is here: https://www.hackthis.space/social/index.php/diogo/
up201705417 you show up as a follower
donpdonp rad.
donpdonp oh that was from before
up201705417 oh, well, you can undo your follow and follow again to test xd
dansup puckipedia: nice guestbook
donpdonp i dont get how its an activitypub guestbook
puckipedia donpdonp: @guestbook@puckipedia.com
puckipedia also https://puckipedia.com/guestbook.json
donpdonp o.O
donpdonp POST https://puckipedia.com/guestbook/inbox => 500 err
donpdonp yea, i broke something.
puckipedia ┗ POST https://puckipedia.com/guestbook/inbox
puckipedia [
puckipedia L err tried to POST to a non-inbox/outbox entity
puckipedia hm
puckipedia yeah. it broke
donpdonp up201705417: when i follow you from donp@donpark.org (note different from donpdonp) I get "Already following" so thats good. but I dont see me on the list https://www.hackthis.space/social/index.php/diogo/subscribers
puckipedia donpdonp: try again
puckipedia right.
puckipedia woops, I know why it's saying that
puckipedia donpdonp: it's because your auth is broken
puckipedia it figured out "uuid" isn't in the same namespace as "anonymous" so it breaks a bunch
donpdonp wha?
puckipedia you sent "id": "uuid"
puckipedia and http signature isn't valid
donpdonp well thats just sloppy.
donpdonp the signature should be valid though.
puckipedia what's the header you send
puckipedia there's like, a few semi-bugs here
donpdonp hmm i dont log enough stuff on my side to answer that
donpdonp does your http signature impl pay attention to the list of headers?
donpdonp its only 3 headers that are signed
donpdonp unlike mastodon which lists like 7 of them.
puckipedia it does
donpdonp ok.
donpdonp well im out of brain-power for today. i'll come back to this tomorrow
puckipedia however, it does not validate a Digest header if sent
puckipedia (it will still use it as header if passed in, duh)
donpdonp thats ok cuz i dont send one
up201705417 donpdonp: it is correct
up201705417 they have the same id
donpdonp up201705417: ah i see. thx.
up201705417 I think I got the Accept Headers working now
up201705417 and Follow is working between GS instances locally
up201705417 will now try again with mastodon
up201705417 Mastodon still says "404 Record not found."
up201705417 ._.
up201705417 also, when I click on Follow in Mastodon it doesn't send any request to my node
dansup I wonder if that is because mastodon still thinks its OStatus
dansup up201705417 ^
up201705417 hackthis.space has OStatus fully disabled
up201705417 and everything else is working
dansup it could be webfinger
up201705417 webfinger is an hardcoded file on hackthis.space
up201705417 https://www.hackthis.space/.well-known/webfinger
up201705417 the only entry it has is for activitypub
dansup try removing acct: from subject
up201705417 okay
up201705417 done, trying again
up201705417 nothing change
up201705417 s/change/changed
cdchapman joined the channel
dansup hmm, have you tried pleroma or are you still only testing against mastodon?
up201705417 just tested with pleroma
up201705417 the best of pleroma is that it is all "ok"
up201705417 ActivityPub Postman: Delivery result with status code 200: "ok"
up201705417 yet: https://pleroma.site/users/pixeldev
up201705417 I don't think I am in the followers list
up201705417 can you check?
up201705417 ah, wait, the problem isn't in following a mastodon user, that works just fine, the problem is in being followed by one
up201705417 I haven't created a dummy pleroma user to test it out
up201705417 (and yes, I've just been testing with mastodon so far)
dansup ah ok
xmpp-social, vasilakisfil, saranix, cdchapman and stephank joined the channel
stephank Hi! I'm building a simple single-actor server as an experiment. My current implementation always prefers `sharedInbox`. Is there any reason to prefer a personal inbox, when `sharedInbox` is available?
tuxether[m] stephank: writing to a personal inbox can set the 'isAttributedTo' field automatically.
saranix stephank: not that I kbow of. AFAIK it is legal to point personal inboxes at the same url as the sharedinbox
stephank Alright, thanks for the quick answers! I'll keep it as is for now. @tuxether[m]: But that should be set to the sender? Not sure how the receiver would set that differently, between personal or shared inboxes. (I only have Mastodon source handy, it doesn't seem to have much logic specific to that field.)
tuxether[m] stephank: whoops. sorry, I misread.
stephank 👍
donpdonp can someone explain sharedInbox to me?
tuxether[m] there should be no difference.
donpdonp ive been pleasantly ignoring it to date.
donpdonp *mind blown*
donpdonp so id post to mastodon.xyz/sharedInbox instead of copies to mastodon.xyz/bob/inbox mastodon.xyz/jill/inbox mastodon.xyz/betty/inbox
donpdonp assuming those profiles listed the same sharedInbox.
donpdonp nod.
donpdonp thats a curious concept.
donpdonp im filling up https://botsin.space/@zrobo with test msgs. woo.
up201705417 stephank: when a message is sent to a personal inbox on GNU Social the owner of that inbox automatically enters in CC even if not specified
up201705417 I wonder if this is wrong: https://www.w3.org/TR/activitypub/#object-without-create
up201705417 on example 15 no actor is specified
up201705417 but on example 16 it shows up
stephank up201705417: Ah, that's interesting! Sounds a bit like a short-hand for sending private messages, where the object doesn't have any to/cc/bcc?
up201705417 to and cc it has, but doesn't have a Create wrapper
stephank Ah sorry, I was only replying to your first message.
up201705417 ah, yes, it's a short hand
stephank up201705417: Those examples look fine, I think? In client-to-server, the client doesn't have to specify who created the object, because it's usually implied by authentication. The server adds `attributedTo` there, and also wraps it in an activity with the `actor` field.
up201705417 (hm, not necessarily private messages, I don't have those implemented yet, UI changes will be needed to add those on GNU Social, for now it's all public)
up201705417 stephank: my bad, was thinking of S2S
stephank Haha, I've mixed those up a couple of times. May just as well have been separate specs. :)
stephank up201705417: Public is not implied by the spec, though? I'm not sure if that makes that behaviour slightly dangerous, e.g.: address someone on GNU Social in private, but it's suddenly public.
up201705417 yes, that's right, but currently GNU Social doesn't allow remote private messages (thus the convention adopted by the plugin)
up201705417 but that touches an interesting point
up201705417 what would be the proper way of notifying the remote instance that a given request is not allowed?
up201705417 fake success and don't do anything?
up201705417 or should I send a Reject back?
donpdonp whoho. a post in botsin.space ends up in the local sqlite3
puckipedia <up201705417> what would be the proper way of notifying the remote instance that a given request is not allowed? <- ignore or reject
puckipedia oh ehm
puckipedia not follows
puckipedia just ignore
puckipedia I thought you mean "given follow not allowed"
puckipedia <aaronpk> and if you're making a single-user server, then you have no need to have a sharedInbox since there's no difference <- not quite? sharedInbox can get arbitrary as:Public posts too
puckipedia (mastodon bug sends arbitrary posts into my inbox though :<)
up201705417 puckipedia: gnu social doesn't allow to undo a repost/boost for example, at the moment I'm faking success, but maybe there is a better way of handling it?
puckipedia add support to undo a boost :P
up201705417 xd
puckipedia but like, you should probabkly just accept the message
stephank (I'd agree, currently just return 202 for everything that looks well formatted and passes the signature check.)
up201705417 I think it would be nice to let the remote node know that what he tried to do just isn't acceptable
puckipedia except
puckipedia remote nodes will just say "oh, i failed to send the message, let's retry in 5 minutes"
up201705417 yeah, mastodon loves to spam me with stuff I already received
up201705417 the plugin was returning an error message for repeated notices
puckipedia ignore repeated activities with the same name btw
up201705417 and mastodon assumed something failed an retried to send
stephank I think Mastodon only retries for >=500? It'd make sense according to HTTP to not retry, e.g., 4xx status codes.
up201705417 500 is the default error code the plugin uses
up201705417 I will review the current return handler and see how to improve it
puckipedia stephank: I hope that's not the case, else there's gonna be a bad time
puckipedia (what if your public key changes within a day?)
up201705417 (I think someone said that mastodon is able to detect that and update it)
puckipedia only after a day
stephank How so? The best way to tell another server it's doing something wrong is a 4xx status code. The remote is essentially a client, and if it tries something funny, it gets a client error.
up201705417 (don't know how it works underneath the hood though)
puckipedia up201705417: it tries to update the profile after about a day since last profile update
up201705417 I see, all right, will proceed to the corrections of the day! xD
stephank Do implementations currently rotate keys? If a server rotates keys, it should still accept signatures from an older key for the duration of caches, at least.
puckipedia stephank: not yet, no. I don't t hink accepting older key signatures is a good idea imo?
stephank Well, for compromised keys you shouldn't, but I think you should for regular key rotation
puckipedia what's the difference even
stephank I guess I'm no expert either, but there's precedent in JWT / JWK, and also how Node.js apps often do cookie signing using keygrip: https://www.npmjs.com/package/keygrip
puckipedia ... does the w3id stuff have scopes?
puckipedia ehm, https://web-payments.org/contexts/security-v1.jsonld
puckipedia mm. no.
stephank But my worry is that key rotation can happen automatically at a set interval, like every couple of months, while you may be serving that key with cache max-age of a week. You have to bridge that week gap somehow.
puckipedia serve two keys :P
puckipedia sign with both keys :P
stephank Ah, I guess I'm thinking the wrong way around. But yes, it'd mean having to sign twice for that duration. Hmm, my server currently doesn't deal with multiple signatures.
puckipedia mine does :D
puckipedia probably gonna add it into Mastodon too?
stephank Don't know about that, but castling.club now should handle multiple signatures too. :p
donpdonp my project doesnt even verify signatures <evil laugh here>
donpdonp i'll get around to it :)
githree joined the channel