#social 2018-08-11
2018-08-11 UTC
tantek, tantek_ and minty-hime joined the channel
minty-hime hallo
saranix greetings
minty-hime is this the best place to talk about using the activitypub spec and tools related to it?
saranix yes!
minty-hime ah cool :o
minty-hime if I want to make a project using it, is my best option to just implement it myself?
saranix meaning, no library? It's up to you. I would say yes but some others would point out the more mature libs. It also depends on your language
minty-hime well, I want to make an end product on top of the activitypub spec. kroeg is the only thing I found that looks like a fully implemented server. Theres activitypub libraries?
minty-hime And really at this point I'm just conceptual and I'm usually up to learning new languages. Javascript is what I've been using lately.
saranix cool. what's your product? There's a Go library I think and a python library by cwebber2 that is being revived by pantherse
minty-hime tldr tumblr clone
minty-hime just the blogging portion
saranix neat. lol I thought maybe I knew what that one does until you said blogging portion
minty-hime what'd you think tumblr does? its a microblogging platform, sorta.
saranix err... I dunno I guess I always thought it was a bookmarking thing
minty-hime ah, no. Its a blogging platform that has a lot of features for blogging other blogs while keeping a trail of who blogged who and what the original source is.
saranix oh yeah it's probably really easy to lose track of "re-boosted" mastodons
minty-hime also tumblr has a more long-form focus
minty-hime sadly ads have been completely destroying it
DigDug long term != ads
minty-hime I said long form, not long term
minty-hime as in the blog posts have the option to be lengthy and thought out with multiple images
xmpp-social joined the channel
JasonRobinson[m] https://fosdem.org/2019/news/2018-08-10-call-for-participation/
fr33domlover1 and vasilakisfil joined the channel
nightpool[m] edge caching is great
nightpool[m] sure, during delivery
nightpool[m] if I send a post to someone, they don't have to re-fetch it
nightpool[m] but you didn't send the post to those mastodon instances
nightpool[m] gargron did
nightpool[m] They can't just take gargron's word for what you said, he could have written anything in there.
nightpool[m] because boosts are a pretty small percent of normal traffic
nightpool[m] and it adds a ton of latency to the system
nightpool[m] if someone posts something on glitch.social, i generally see it on cybrespace within a second or less.
nightpool[m] fat pings would make that into multiple seconds, for every post
timbl and cwebber2 joined the channel