#social 2018-10-11
2018-10-11 UTC
vasilakisfil, vt, xmpp-social, Loqi__, jdormit_mobile, dlongley and dmitriz joined the channel; vt left the channel
# cwebber2 dmitriz: you got some nice praise for your scribing https://tiny.tilde.website/@pho4cexa/100877951478319658
# dmitriz cwebber2: awww yeyy, thanks! :)
# JasonRobinson[m] decentralized internet room at FOSDEM is on! 💪 https://pouet.dachary.org/@loic/100873534080091761
jdormit_mobile, dmitriz and Angle joined the channel
# Angle Hello? :/
# Angle Hey!
# Angle I never know how to use IRC. I always log on and theres nobody else around. :/
# Angle Mmm, yeah... :/
# Angle Oh! Anyway, I'm still working on Agora. Guess I need to look into UI, next? Or maybe add support for likes and boosts. I dunno. :/
# Angle For those not familiar, you can se what I'm talking about here: https://agora-2866.nodechef.com/home
# Angle Haha yeah. I just wish I could be more decisive about it, though. I have no idea what to do next. -_-
vasilakisfil and jdormit_mobile joined the channel
# Angle Oh! Rught, I forgot what I was going to ask. Is there any plan to add features useful for having forums, in ActivityPub? Allowing people to "Watch" a post the same way they would like it, for example, or allowinf people tgo add a post to a list and have all responses automtaically added to that list, and others to subscribe to that list? Or various things like that?:/
# Angle Yeah I dunno either. Theres also the question of federating moderation
# Angle SO you can subscribe to an instance or a moderator and have their decisions be endorsed by your instance, or whatever. Unless you choose to override them, anyway. :/
# Angle And maybe a system where a user can say "Hey these two posts are very similar" and have them become linked? Be useful for heavy duty discussions. :/
# Angle I dunno. There are a lot of possibilities. -_-
jdormit_mobile joined the channel
# rialtate[m] Angle: there is https://www.w3.org/TR/activitystreams-vocabulary/#dfn-context -- e.g.
{type:note,context:["https://example1/threadctx","https://example1/subtopicctx",{type:link,rel:something,href:etc}] }
# rialtate[m] Where those context objs are probably orderedcollections
jdormit_mobile joined the channel
# Angle Mmm, that would help, but I'd also like a way to establish connections between things after they are created.
# Angle So you can say "This series of posts from a year ago fits very well in this forum and is very interesting."
# rialtate[m] If those contexts are in fact collections then you would federate an Add to the object (collection)...
# Angle Hmm...! Alright, that could work. Would you also need to federate an update? or is that just for content and/or summary? :/
# rialtate[m] Add covers it
jdormit_mobile and vt joined the channel