#social 2018-12-01

2018-12-01 UTC
sknebel joined the channel
jdormit_mobile: will your AP package use composer?
jdormit_mobile, Angle and timbl joined the channel
dansup: yup! If you get a chance you can check it out: https://github.com/pterotype-project/activitypub-php
Still very WIP but I welcome api suggestions/requests/contributions
jdormit_mobile: nice!
jdormit_mobile: Is it possible to map existing tables to it? I am planning that for my library.
It stores the JSON-LD graph in a pretty specific format, so it couldn't reuse existing tables. It should be possible to migrate the data to the new format though. The only tricky bit will be preserving ids if they are based on auto-increment columns... Still thinking that whole part out
Angle, xmpp-social and jdormit_mobile joined the channel