#social 2019-02-26
2019-02-26 UTC
cjslep[m] And because of the confusing side effects of something like Update-on-Activity, I am inclined more for abandoning these poorly defined ActivityStreams types entirely and using an extension.
cjslep[m] Which off the top of my head could be as simple as a copy-paste clone except it "extends" from Object instead of Activity.
dansup I am working on Circles for pixelfed, trying to decide on the AP extension for them
dansup is anyone interested in working together on this?
nightpool[m] Do you need an extension for circles?
nightpool[m] Wouldn't it just be a difference in audience targeting?
dansup well, that is true but I was thinking the recipient should be aware its a post in a circle and maybe other circle participants
dansup maybe that is too much
nightpool[m] All you would need to do is deference the collections in the to/cc attributes though?
dansup yeah
dansup I guess it could be considered a private/followers only post that would be the easiest
nightpool[m] I'm just not sure why it would need to be an extension
dansup oh, I was thinking in pixelfed of having a label that says "Circle Post" or something so its distinct from other posts
nightpool[m] just address the post `to: "https://pixelfed.social/user/nightpool/groups/foo"`
nightpool[m] Sure, that could just be any post addressed to a Group
dansup recipients probably don't care they are in someones circle though
dansup oh Group, interesting. Never considered that
nightpool[m] or a Collection of Actors
dansup yeah, should keep it simple. Thanks for the feedback nightpool[m] :D
xmpp-social and pg974 joined the channel
pg974 sorry but i have a problem with the protocol activityPub i can't implement activityPub for communicate with my web site to mastodon
pg974 i have my webfinger, i have my signature but it does not work
pg974 sorry i'm a trainee, and i have follow many tutorial but i can't implement mastodon
pg974 joined the channel
pg974 anyone can help me ?
pg974 please
clacke and clacke2 joined the channel; clacke left the channel
fr33domlover Hopefully that person has a mentor who can help them (or they come back and ask with more detail)
jdormit[m] I feel like IRC isn't always ideal for tech support
jdormit[m] although they could have stayed online...
nightpool[m] I've never liked IRC for helping people, yeah
nightpool[m] hopefully they post on discourse.joinmastodon.org or socialhub.network
nightpool[m] although my socialhub.network account is still "restricted" for making a bugs thread with too many screenshots lol
nightpool[m] seems to be a very infrequently moderated platform
jdormit[m] I think dansup has mod privileges on socialhub?
fr33domlover nightpool[m], I didn't know mastodon had a discourse forum! how did you find out about it :p
fr33domlover I never saw any links to it :-/
fr33domlover I think that person needs basic programming support
nightpool[m] there's a link to it on joinmastodon.org
nightpool[m] and also in our README I think?
fr33domlover Which they could find one way or another, if they stayed here longer
vitalyster, ahihi2 and tantek joined the channel