#social 2019-03-11
2019-03-11 UTC
Guest84, vitalyster, timbl, xmpp-social and cwebber2 joined the channel
dansup Good news everyone! I am spinning out MicroUI from pixelfed as its own mastodon api compatible client and I think its a perfect use case for C2S support
dansup Its a single vue component that consumes mastodon rest apis, easy to swap out for C2S if I can get some help
fr33domlover dansup, cool!! I want to implement c2s too ^_^
fr33domlover Btw does anyone have hints for implementing comment delivery? When and how is it determined, to whom to deliver a Create Note? AP spec says the client makes the list, but I suppose the list should contain everyone who commented in the same conversation?
fr33domlover I guess it can be done using a pseudo collection of all such actors
fr33domlover digs through code
dansup fr33domlover: inReplyTo can be an object link
timbl joined the channel
fr33domlover dansup, yeah I guess it starts there ^_^
timbl, trwnh, dmitriz and timbl_ joined the channel
vitalyster left the channel
jdormit[m] dansup: MicroUI sounds great, I will need something like that at some point. You may have convinced me to use Vue for the Pterotype front-end, when that gets started
jdormit[m] fr33domlover: yeah inReplyTo is how Pterotype handles comments, we traverse the reply chain and deliver to all the participants in the comment thread
dansup jdormit[m] thanks! I highly recommend vue :)
puck joined the channel
fr33domlover jdormit[m], does the server do that or does the client?
jdormit[m] The server, there is no client really right now (just the WordPress admin site)
cjslep[m] FYI, I welcome tons of feedback on this delegation scheme: https://socialhub.network/t/keeping-business-logic-consistency-among-servers/461/13?u=_cj
cjslep[m] It's been living in my head forever and I finally typed it all out. It solves the problem of: Let's say I have a server A with a resource (such as a Collection) A. It has no human users, but user B on server B can modify resources owned on A. But so can user C on server C. How can A best ensure B and C don't have colliding Activities modifying it, and act as the linked data authority, while also not spoofing users B and C?
cjslep[m] But I am not sure my use of OAuth 2 is the best use of it. For ex, I don't know if OpenID or a previous solution built on OAuth 2 already solves the problem of linked data authority/integrity being distinct and different than end-user delegated authorization.
cjslep[m] Because I think all current ActivityPub implementations, when they sign ActivityPub data with a user's credential, are basically saying both the above things combined: this is the authoritative linked data representation found on this instance, its integrity is intact, and this user has authorized it.
timbl_, timbl, gobengo-irc-bot, _xmpp-social, sydia[m] and dmitriz joined the channel
nightpool[m] cwebber2: I think you're understanding the proposal