#social 2019-03-13
2019-03-13 UTC
puck and ahihi joined the channel
jdormit[m] "be generous in what you accept and strict in what you send"
jdormit[m] So for inbox forwarding
jdormit[m] How should you handle http sigs?
jdormit[m] Like if I'm forwarding an activity sent to me by another server, I don't have access to the original author's private key
jdormit[m] I guess this is the use case for LD signatures... But those have a bad rep
Guest84 and cm joined the channel
cm do any of the fediverse protocols (activitypub, ostatus, ...) have a basic html web client without javascript?
dansup GNU/Social
cm and/or a command line client which doesn't require a browser
dansup pleroma supports gopher
cm dansup: gnu/social appears to use jquery
cm probably some earlier version didn't though
dansup cm: their use of jquery is a progressive enhancement, it works with js disabled
dansup pixelfed was like that originally, but its slowly becoming a SPA
dansup there is no way to deliver certain features in pixelfed without javascript
dansup like Stories
dansup or Direct
xmpp-social and Guest84 joined the channel
dmitriz joined the channel
melody @cwebber2 is there an agenda? i've been trying to catch up reading minutes from the last few meetings
melody it seems we're everyone, and i am trying to get mumble reinstalled still and don't really have anything to discuss
fr33domlover cwebber2, I was wondering if we can/should use HTTP status to determine results of activity delivery
fr33domlover Also, hi :)
melody my understanding is that some implementations return 200 OK almost no matter what because the processing all happens asynchronously so you can't use status codes to necessarily validate that the post has shown up
Rixon[m] Can't ajax wait for a promise? Does an ongoing request block the client thread?
melody asynchronously as part of a job queue, this is backend processing server-to-server communication
melody ajax isn't part of it
timbl, dmitriz, rektide and emacsen joined the channel
emacsen Okay, no idea why the IRC server lets me in now, vs a day ago...
dmitriz and timbl joined the channel