rialtate[m]heluecht : saw your post about private groups. http signed gets are an easy way to authenticate private fetches and many implementations support it.
rialtate[m]Also the proxyUrl property as I understand it is for c2s so clients can have servers mask their activity and also fetch private resources when the server holds their private key
cjslep[m]Another data point: go-fed processes an activity's side effects synchronously but the uses a dependency-injected interface to do the delivery, up to the library user to do it synchronously, asynchronously, however the library user has implemented it.
jdormit[m]I see. I'm taking a more opinionated/all-in-one approach - ideally it should just be few lines of code to integrate ActivityPub into a project usingy library. I think I'll go for a sensible default with a pluggable delivery system for users with advanced needs
cwebber2eprodrom: that may sound crazy, but in our own situation we did a lot of work to get to our own stable version, and there's a lot of stuff in implementations around questions, comments, small non-breaking changes, etc
cwebber2eprodrom: maybe in two to three years as we're not making many more changes it's time for ActivityPub 1.1 and we freeze it, it goes back in the old REC format
cwebber2eprodrom: there's a temptation when you write standards docs is to think that's how you solve it, that you solve it by writing more standards, but I think there's only so much you can do to in terms of editing standards
cwebber2eprodrom: but I think we've had a problem where people say the spec says do it this way, but this other way is easier to do so that's what we're doing
cwebber2eprodrom: I think that if someone says "I'd like to make this change" and we say "sorry we're closed", that's not very helpful... so it may be helpful to have a structure where things are open for conversation
cwebber2eprodrom: so it's definitely something where we need to look at it, then follow up and say "hey, we think these documents would be good candidates"
cwebber2eprodrom: I feel like maybe the relationship is between three states, you request and it's undetermined, you accept, and then if you undo it set it back to undetermined, then you reject
cwebber2melody: I think there's not a distinction, because from Bob's perspective of being removed or undo'ed it's the same situation of not getting updates
jaywink[m]> <@irc_cwebber2:cybre.space> If we did a W3C workshop on federation and ActivityPub, would you want to attend? Is it something you'd be willing to travel for?