dansupcjslep[m]: I remember you saying something about creating a guide to ActivityPub, I'd love to help! I'm sure other people would too since there isn't a single source of example objects from existing implementations
xmpp-social, h_ll_k_n and teleno joined the channel
cjslep[m]Yep, I remember you saying the same thing dansup (before I said it). Were you already putting something together? No worries if not. I have the ActivityPub.dev domain we can toss up together.
dansupcjslep[m]: Yeah, I think you are more experienced to explain the technical details, and I could focus on the design! I can transfer activitypub.guide to you if you want!
h_ll_k_ncjslep[m], dansup: I would suggest to use socialhub.network topics (first post for content, rest for discussion) and extract Markdown from there for Hugo consumption, so that the activitypub.guide can be entirely automated, capturing latest version of the collective writing.
hellekinthis way not only the barrier of entry is lowered for helping out with writing, but does not require any notion of Git or Hugo or admin access for deployment. A crontab would handle it.