#social 2019-04-26
2019-04-26 UTC
jdormit[m] I was talking with fr33domlover the other day on here about whether or not to keep local copies of all incoming activities. I was pretty convinced that you should in order to be able to query the whole graph and to save network bandwidth, but I've been doing a lot of reading about RDF/linked data and I'm getting less convinced
jdormit[m] How do people here handle that? Do you persistent a local copy of incoming activities, or do you just dereference IRIs whenever you need to access a foreign node in the object graph?
jdormit[m] My thinking these days is that the best approach is to only persist to disk the data that you own, but keep a cache of all objects that you see so you save network requests and disk space
rialtate[m] I think it depends on what type of experience an impl wants to provide. Both approaches are valid.
rialtate[m] For most of our projects at allied we persist all objects. For various reasons™
fr33domlover jdormit[m], I guess it depends on the implementation too: I keep a local cache of some stuff, but only very specific stuff, not everything. Right now in my implementation the only federated thing is Create Note, and if the root of a conversation tree is local to my server, then I keep copies of remotely authored messages, so that the conversation log remains even if servers go down
fr33domlover But otherwise I don't just default to keeping everything, I keep stuff if I see how it's going to be used
fr33domlover It also helps me track db space usage
fr33domlover By storing stuff that I know why I store
rialtate[m] One real big reason to store them is if your db format doesn't resemble json-ld in any way. It would be bad times to try to decompose a whole conversation on the fly.
fr33domlover rialtate[m], yeah and that's assuming it's required on the server side; often it's just on the client and then it's a much smaller issue (you can paginate / dynamically load posts anyway, which server they come from makes little difference)
fr33domlover So I guess it depends a lot on the specific software and its needs
dansup jdormit[m]: pixelfed normalizes some objects, storing the whole object is not required if you have a strong schema IMO
jdormit[m] Haha, the classic "it depends". For my purposes, since I'm targeting self-hosted WordPress, I think it makes sense to keep the DB small but to cache what I can
jdormit[m] dansup: yeah, reading up on JSON-LD and rdf schemas is what changed my thinking
fr33domlover jdormit[m], btw note that caching doesn't always make much difference to bandwidth: If you need a client to see some 100 comments on a post, or some 100 posts or whatever, it doesn't necessarily matter from which server(s) they're downloaded
dansup jdormit[m]: I guess it depends on the scope of the project. Only accepting 1 actor type and a few activity types means pixelfed can treat AP in its own terms instead of building around AP
fr33domlover I currently have a static UI so caching makes this sort of thing much easier for me; but given a dynamic one, idk if I'd need caching as much
fr33domlover Maybe I wouldn't cache
dansup fr33domlover: which project are you working on again? it's forgefed right?
fr33domlover dansup, yes. it will have more than just Create Note, but I'm currently implementing the core AP stuff and just Create Note, so that I have all the basics working before I do less common things ^_^
dansup fr33domlover: still need some UI help? https://i.dansup.xyz/a2cf4443c4e7 :)
fr33domlover dansup, yeah it would be cool to reuse what you made :) but too early for actual integration, I guess I need the API etc. to properly exist
dansup fr33domlover: Can't wait to help! ForgeFed will have a slick UI :D
fr33domlover dansup :) btw it's very possible that my implementation will end up being more like a demo, and the more important implementation work will be to bring federation to GitLab, Gitea etc.
fr33domlover I wonder how that part is going to go
fr33domlover The only part I'm sure about it Vervis, my implementation
fr33domlover :P
fr33domlover dansup, slick UI would be great ^_^ hopefully helps attract people to it, to give ForgeFed a try
dansup I think ForgeFed will be a great Gitea/GitLab alternative
dansup Atleast they are considering it, I doubt Instagram will ever support ActivityPub lol
fr33domlover Well technically Gitab has had issues about it since 2015-2016
fr33domlover And not a single line of code written
fr33domlover I wonder if they really even want that stuff there
fr33domlover Considering their paying customers probably don't need or want federation
dansup probably not, they have VC funding and need to make profit
fr33domlover Or extra ways for their proprietary stuff to accidentally be seen
dansup At least we know Microsoft somewhat embraces open source, doubt GitHub would ever implement AP but better than Oracle acquiring GitLab and pulling AP support if ever implemented.
fr33domlover dansup, I actually wonder if githu8's profits would be affected much by implementing AP; I guess its paying customers may still be used to its UI, and whatever "enterprise" features it has etc.
fr33domlover On the other hand, AP would be a bridge for many of the non-paying users to leave to other servers
fr33domlover Which I suppose could decrease their monopoly
fr33domlover Actually I hope that happens either way lol
fr33domlover (Or they make all their code free, that's okay too)
fr33domlover (And then we can have many githu8 servers in the wild!)
dansup heh
dansup I'm a happy GitHub customer even after they made private repos free. I would never run my own instance because it would not be as reliable
dansup thats just git hosting, its decentralized and I can use any other service at will
dansup git is decentralized I mean
rialtate[m] Federation is beneficial to any business plan that *isn't* "try to be monopoly"
fr33domlover Well githu8 probably benefits a lot from being a monopoly
fr33domlover Tons of projects are there for the visibility
fr33domlover If everyone would freely migrate to other servers while keeping the visibility due to federation, I guess that could change the picture a lot
fr33domlover I'm very curious to see how it turns out
fr33domlover (how, sorry for pinging you; your nickname happens to be a common english word!)
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