#social 2019-05-07
2019-05-07 UTC
trwnh seems to me like there's value in exposing some of that not just to the backend but also to users. Following an object should imply either a) they have an outbox, b) they have arbitrary Activities that target them
trwnh if, say, you follow a Collection, then how should the server know which Activities to deliver to you? Or even which subset of all possible Actor outboxes to serve up?
trwnh to me i can't see a way around it unless you parse the literal activity, e.g. by attaching a summary field "Alice updated this ticket" or "Bob commented on this issue"
trwnh you would need to keep track of a "followers" collection for arbitrary objects as well
trwnh and there should be some signal that an Object is followable, e.g. "it has an outbox" or "it has a followers collection" or "it has some flag set"
trwnh you would then use the followers collection for delivery
vitalyster, Guest84_, xmpp-social, timbl, dmitriz and Neil joined the channel; vitalyster left the channel
Neil I'd like to allow comments on my personal site and have a sort of textbox and simple 'post with your mastodon/activitypub enabled account' button - is there a guide or something someone could suggest? Bit lost among all the documentation on how to begin
rialtate[m] Personal site as in indieweb?
cjslep[m] Neil (IRC): I'm currently doing something similar with my blog. More on how it's working: People follow your blog from Mastodon, Pleroma, etc. You make a post. It federates S2S to Mastodon, Pleroma, etc. The followers see it in that software. They hit reply and send you a reply, via S2S federation. Your website then displays it as a comment.
cjslep[m] The way you described the functionality though, is that you want your site to make posts on behalf of a Mastodon, Pleroma, etc site. And I think that wouldn't necessarily be ActivityPub: could be something like an OAuth delegation flow or something along those lines.
decentral1se and dmitriz joined the channel