2019-05-17 UTC
ahihi joined the channel
# melody URLs aren't bound to HTTP
# trwnh "The HTTP GET method may be dereferenced against an object's id property to retrieve the activity."
# trwnh "all objects distributed by the ActivityPub protocol MUST have unique global identifiers, unless they are intentionally transient"
# trwnh "Publicly facing content SHOULD use HTTPS URIs"
# trwnh however, there is a separate url property
# trwnh A link to the resource, if not equal to the value of id."
# trwnh *to the resource's web page
# trwnh schmittlauch[m]: so id doesn't have to be a url, it just needs to be publicly dereferencable.
xmpp-social and jeeg[m] joined the channel
timbl, vitalyster, grag[m] and ichoquo0Aigh9ie joined the channel; vitalyster left the channel