#social 2019-06-02
2019-06-02 UTC
trwnh fr33domlover: it should include direct descendants only
fr33domlover trwnh, explain? :)
trwnh fr33domlover: post a has replies b, c, d , e. post b has replies f, g, h. and so on.
fr33domlover trwnh, well yeah that makes sense, but the other approaches make sense to me too... I'm looking for a way to *decide* ^_^
fr33domlover Even if to decide simply means to choose a convention
trwnh fr33domlover: other ways seem wrong...
trwnh fr33domlover: let's put it this way. the "replies" collection is supposed to keep track of objects which have inReplyTo targeting that object
fr33domlover trwnh, well that's why I'm asking: should we treat replies as the reverse property of inReplyTo? In many systems, e.g. on Discourse, replies are displayed as a list, with link to parent when inReplyTo is another message in the thread. I don't mind deciding to do things the way you're saying, I just want to get more people's thoughts so that we can agree on this together
trwnh i dont see why it should be any other way
trwnh replies: Identifies a Collection containing objects considered to be responses to this object.
trwnh Range: Collection
trwnh that's directly from the activity vocab spec
trwnh replies:
{type: Collection, items: [{},{},...,{}]}
trwnh or items: [@id, @id, ..., @id] -- you get the point
fr33domlover trwnh, have you looked at Discourse, or GitLab, or githu8, etc.? When they display comnents, they display them all as a list, and they just link between children and parents. In that sense, all descendants are replies on the topic/issue/PR, and inReplyTo is secondary detail. I'm not saying we should prefer that approach for AS2 'replies'; just explaining how it can make sense too
rialtate[m] fr33domlover: context is generally the flattened list
trwnh the display is irrelevant from the structure
trwnh you can simply crawl all children and expand the tree then render it however you want
fr33domlover rialtate, I'm already using context for something else ^_^ but thanks for the feedback! I'll ask around a bit more to be sure everyone-ish agrees on the direct children approach
fr33domlover trwnh, true
trwnh what are you using context for?
trwnh i would imagine context as the issue itself
fr33domlover trwnh, yeah, to link from all comments to the issue/PR/etc.
trwnh and then you can reply to the OP for everything after the issue description
trwnh honestly context is unnecessary even, you can just treat the root post as the issue itself
rialtate[m] I'm not sure that it matters which convention you use for replies since it is merely used as a discovery tool and @id's deduplicate while inReplyTo gives you your linkages
fr33domlover rialtate, yup, it doesn't matter much, I just want to officially pick a convention :) I'll add it to my list of proposals to make it explicit I'm choosing and proposing it
xmpp-social joined the channel
trwnh im still not sure what the other proposal even is
trwnh i mean, sure, you can claim whatever you want in the "replies" Collection... but imo it's not valid to list an Object as part of "replies" if it's not also "inReplyTo"
trwnh i would personally treat that as invalid
trwnh if you embed transient objects in there then whatever
trwnh but if you have objects with an id then it would make sense to fetch those objects and then check the inReplyTo to verify that they are actually replies
trwnh also if you say that a has direct replies b,c and b has direct replies d,e,f and then you say a's replies are bcdef then you're setting yourself up for exponential Updates
trwnh because now replying to any object will have to Update not just that object, but also every object in the chain above it
timbl joined the channel
rialtate[m] trwnh: Updates isn't really a fair criticism since they are inherently problematic no matter what
trwnh sure it's fair. it actually doesnt matter that update is expensive (although that does make it worse)
trwnh the general point is that one is a constant-time operation
trwnh and the other is not
trwnh before even doing any delivery
trwnh 1 operation vs who knows how many (depending on how deep you are in the tree)
fr33domlover trwnh, I'm not sure I see how updates would become expensive
fr33domlover It just means that if other servers cache replies, they should rely only on caching the direct children
fr33domlover And not the rest
fr33domlover And given that, no need for exponential updates
fr33domlover Either way, I'm probably going for the only-direct-replies approach
Enot and Enot_ joined the channel
Enot_ Has anyone noticed the test suite site having clock related certificate issues?
fr33domlover Enot_, yeah, it's been like this for a while
Enot_ That's a shame. I'd love to use it. Is there another way to run the test suite?
Robbie joined the channel; Enot_ left the channel
enot Or do you know who manages the server for the test suite site?
timbl and Guest84 joined the channel
cjslep[m] I think Chris is well aware, but busy. :(
timbl, rZr and Clipsey joined the channel