aaronpkif A makes a post, and B reposts it (boosts, shares, whatev), and C replies to the original post from A, then some servers also deliver that post to B
aaronpklike if i've blocked someone, I shouldn't ever have a client be able to @-mention that blocked account in a post, my server should stop that from happening
aaronpkanyway that's all tangential. the actual problem is that this behavior of @-mentioning the person who boosted a post seems to be inconsistent between clients, which seems wrong
trwnhbut then again there's also the question of what a block means. perhaps you *can* reply to someone you blocked. they just shouldn't be able to reply to you.
trwnhfwiw the two things i can point to are a) Toot! has an option you can enable for mentioning the user who boosted something, and b) you could also add the mention yourself manually if you think the booster should also see it.