#social 2019-09-24

2019-09-24 UTC
Guest84 and xmpp-social joined the channel
is there a way to express a more complex form of review of an object than a like? Something like a neutral Like activity containing a https://schema.org/Rating Object?
Listen/Read/View are probably the closest verbs in as2
looks like you'd have to use an extension for the rating relationship though
thanks nightpool - I had not considered the Read verb.
I guess the Rating (supposing that's the extension name) would be in the 'result' attribute then.
if you want to make it an Object, yes, although I would also suggest just a review or a rating property on the Read activity itself.
o/ if I receive an Accept, how do I determine whether it was received from the same actor from which I expect to receive it?
I have a use case where the thing I try to Follow is not an actor
But it does have an actor managing it, and that's the recipient of my Follow activity
Hmmm I guess this use case isn't common, feel free to ignore my question :p I'm just wondering, given a Follow activity with recipients A,B,C and the Follow object being D, how can a server tell which actor is expected to send back the Accept/Reject
(If I don't check that, then anyone can send back a fake Accept)
the ActivityPub spec doesn't provide for following non-actors
I would recommend managing stuff like this internal to the server, and then having the thing you follow send the Accept
nightpool[m], hmm in which ways does AP not provide for following non-actors? Unlike the AS2 spec, the AP spec seems to assume followed objects are always actors, but it's never clearly stated hmmm
One way to handle this: When there's only 1 recipient, use that as the expected sender of the Accept/Reject. Another way: Use some extra property, such as 'context', to provide the expected actor in the case the followed object isn't an actor. For now I'll use the latter way in my code
(I could implement things without following of non-actors, relying on client-side filtering, but it would result with tons of unnecessary unwanted network activity)
(My use case is: Imagine a bug tracker such as bugzilla or whatever, where you can follow specific issues/bugs and get notified on events related to them, such as new comments and status changes. Now imagine the AP equivalent, where bugs (currently in my model) aren't AP actors but still should be possible to follow)
I think Following a bug might make sense from an as2 perspective but it's currently outside the scope of AP as I read it, it's a different kind of Follow then the one AP talks about
UNLESS bugs are actors, which honestly I think makes a lot of sense
nightpool[m], I've made lots of discussion here and in other places about the question which things should be actors and which shouldn't ^_^ AP may use Follow as in follow-a-person's-activities but the AS2 Follow activity is meant for non-actors as well (or should I use a custom "Subscribe" activity :p)
But even in AS2 following is defined the way it's done in "social systems": "Indicates that the actor is "following" the object. Following is defined in the sense typically used within Social systems in which the actor is interested in any activity performed by or on the object."
(quoted from AS2 vocab spec)
dmitriz joined the channel
fr33domlover: you can have arbitrary Objects be actors by giving them inbox/outbox, maybe? "context" could be used for e.g. the issue itself (i think "context" is mostly used for threading in existing impls), but i would be interested to know more about a potential "follow only a subset of activities" mechanism
as best as i can tell, "streams" is for arbitrary collections
for making Objects be actors you could give them dual typing of "Service" since what you're really exposing is a service to let users follow that object? although there's nothing saying that an Actor *has* to be Person / Group / Organization / Application / Service
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