#social 2019-09-28
2019-09-28 UTC
dansup Hello everyone, this will be a big weekend for Pixelfed! v0.10.6 is due out and we'll start federating Place between Pixelfed instances
ichoquo0Aigh9ie, bralyclow, bralyclow01, xmpp-social, _xmpp-social, jake2 and ilmu joined the channel
cwebber2 so we have a meeting scheduled for in 2 hours https://www.w3.org/wiki/SocialCG/2019-09-28

nightpool[m] I'll be able to be there!
nightpool[m] I'm specifically interested in discussing the GitHub issue about the mailing list and our resolution on SocialHub
nightpool[m] (I would link but I'm on mobile)
nightpool[m] probably should at least make some posts on the fediverse to judge interest first
rigelk joined the channel
cwebber2 folks who are planning to attend: pls read https://www.w3.org/wiki/Evergreen_Standards

nightpool[m] Can someone with wiki access format the https://www.w3.org/wiki/SocialCG/2019-09-11/minutes correctly? I'm finding them hard to read compared to, e.g., the 2018 minutes, since they're just plain text logs
nightpool[m] Did the software we used to turn them into a wiki markup break? Should we fix it?
Guest84 joined the channel
nightpool ping
nightpool[m] ping
nightpool (just doing some latency tests, don't mind me)
heluecht[m] Question is: Who will hit the net, when you play ping pong?
ilmu joined the channel
nightpool[m] sorry, internet dropped out for a bit there
melody present+
rigelk present+
nightpool[m] present+
cwebber2 TOPIC: Evergreen Recs (reminder, voting happening in following meeting) https://www.w3.org/wiki/Evergreen_Standards

nightpool[m] I did!
nightpool[m] q+
rigelk cwebber2: first topic is ER recommendation. asking if attendees have had the chance to read the standards.
rigelk nightpool: yes, I guess there are a lot of unanswered questions about the ER process, since the document was primarily written with WG in mind and not CG. Some points might not apply to us.
rigelk nightpool: I don't think that changes a lot about the CG editing the draft as it is.
rigelk cwebber2: you're right that it is a bit underspecified. We should talk with the W3C staff if we could formalize the work we're doing - more than just an Editor's Draft that we keep updating. This is still something the W3C has never done and is still exploring.
rigelk cwebber2: regarding patents in particular, the W3C should give some degree in protection to the CG about patents that they usually give to WG.
rigelk cwebber2: do you think that the protection given to the CG by having people sign up to the W3C would be sufficient?
rigelk nightpool: I don't quite understand the difference in protection we have to a WG.
rigelk cwebber2: I will reach out to the W3C for details about that.
nightpool[m] +1
nightpool[m] My understanding, rigelk (IRC), is that it's very uncommon but very disastrous when it does happen
rigelk right :/
nightpool[m] I know a little bit of the status
rigelk cwebber2: I'm not sure what we can do more about socialhub.activitypub.rocks - right now this cannot make progress without hellekin who has set it up.
nightpool[m] s/need access/have access/
rigelk cwebber2: If you could ask, that would be great.
nightpool[m] q+
rigelk I'll do that.
rigelk nightpool: I don't think any progress has been done on that list since the last meeting.
rigelk nightpool: it would be good if we could check that.
rigelk cwebber2: I haven't had a chance to take a look at issues since the last meeting.
nightpool[m] q+
rigelk cwebber2: are there any issues that anybody has had the chance to look over and that someone would be willing to look at?
rigelk nightpool: one is about the mailing list and the fact that it would overlap with the forum - where is the AP-specific part discussions going to take place?
rigelk nightpool: is the forum for the CG or the AP discussions?
rigelk cwebber2: my understanding is that very early in the SocialCG we had a long discussion about forums and mailing-lists - some didn't like them and preferred the issue tracker for that matter.
rigelk cwebber2: the forum is not for the CG at large but for AP before bringing issue to the CG as appropriate
nightpool[m] q+
melody q+
rigelk cwebber2: I haven't heard a lot of clamoring about mailing-list - should we look at the issue too?
nightpool[m] https://github.com/swicg/general/issues/25
rigelk nightpool: there was a discussion about this on GitHub - some people are in favor of that in issue #25
nightpool[m] i don't think that captures my point, rigelk (IRC)
rigelk sorry :/
nightpool[m] What I said was "Some people are in favor of it but nobody was able to jump in and add the context that we had already resolved this"
rigelk thanks - had trouble hearing you clearly
nightpool[m] no worries, just wanted to make sure my point was clear
rigelk melody: I don't think we need a mailing list
nightpool[m] q+
rigelk cwebber2: W3C has apparently had infra problems - I can't login and authenticate properly to the channel to manage the scribe bot. I don't know who has OP status - aaronpk ?
rigelk cwebber2: the alternatives: contact W3C to get OPs (probably a good idea) - or get a bot in the meantime. Either is still better than just copy-pasting chat logs.
nightpool q+
rigelk +1 (and I guess also from nightpool?)
rigelk nightpool: I'm happy to reach out and figure it out
melody +1
rigelk +1
nightpool +0 - I wouldn't be able to make it myself, but I know other people are in favor
rigelk cwebber2: we can try to set another meeting on the 26th - 2 week from then
rigelk cwebber2: wiki pages are only editable by W3C members - aaronpk cwebber2 and benjamin goering - that is problematic and we should find a better solution
nightpool ACTION: I can come up with some sort of proposal on the wiki situation
rigelk cwebber2: right now the website requires a setup via Guix and Scheme. There hasn't been much change since its inception. The question is: is it worth switching the site?
rigelk cwebber2: the advantage was about the implementation reports procedural implementation. We might want to preserve this page and it is the more difficult change to implement.
nightpool q+
nightpool q+
rigelk cwebber2: there is also the question of what we want to do about test.activitypub.rocks.
rigelk nightpool: I don't have a clear view of what we need to change to the site.
rigelk cwebber2: it is not easy to change in its current state. but slight changes should be easy enough. nightpool, should we put up a list of things to change to get a proper view of what needs to be done?
nightpool q
nightpool q+
rigelk nightpool: if there is a problem with adding/editing the site, I'm happy to help with changes to Haunt, I just need a list of changes.
melody q+
rigelk q+
nightpool yeah, absolutely echoing chris here. Onboading is a huge deal and i want to get better at it, i just don't think those resources exist for us to link to
rigelk melody: I think one thing the could help is the onboarding: right now it is not clear how specs are dependent on each other, so it might be worth having an onboarding page, especially for developers.
rigelk cwebber2: what we need first is the forum, and what we want on ap.rocks
nightpool +!
nightpool +1
rigelk cwebber2: with that said, we can close the meeting.
nightpool waves
rigelk sorry about the messy transcription - I have definitely missed some points raised
heluecht[m] BTW: I do know, why I only had listened, but not interacted. I mostly need more time for understanding and thinking about an answer.
heluecht[m] But: Most of the speakers had mostly been understandable to me.
test123 joined the channel
heluecht[m] cwebber2 (IRC): I'm more in the written conversation - and the P2P things at conferences.
nightpool Loqi, start meeting
nightpool hmm
nightpool Loqi: ping
nightpool ping
Zakim and RRSAgent joined the channel
RRSAgent logging to https://www.w3.org/2019/09/28-social-irc

nightpool present+
nightpool q+
nightpool ack nightpool
nightpool Yeah
nightpool I sent an email
nightpool but basically--there are three bots
nightpool tracker, zakim, and rrsagent
nightpool only the first one broke when the WG was closed
nightpool but the only thing it did was invite the other two
nightpool zakim, bye
Zakim left the channel
nightpool rrsagent, bye
nightpool RRSAgent, make logs public
nightpool RRSAgent, bye
RRSAgent left the channel
nightpool (to be clear, what i meant is that I sent you an email with my notes)
nightpool I've just been reading docs, I haven't done anything except that
nightpool Also getting deep into w3 process stuff around this evergreen situation, looks like it's actually part of the process proposal for 2020
nightpool https://github.com/w3c/w3process/issues/79 has a ton of discussion on the issue
ilmu, ma1uta and frieder[m] joined the channel