#social 2019-12-21
2019-12-21 UTC
jeevanjot and jeevanjot_ joined the channel
# jeevanjot hello everyone
# jeevanjot i am here to learn more about activity pub, I am a web developer and want to start own network that binds others in similar rules, I was checking activity pub docs and w3c and didn't able to get where to start, I mean is activity pub a set of rules that i have to implement in my own known language like javascript or it provides some samples, tools to help get started
jeevanjot joined the channel
# jeevanjot i am here to learn more about activity pub, I am a web developer and want to start own network that binds others in similar rules, I was checking activity pub docs and w3c and didn't able to get where to start, I mean is activity pub a set of rules that i have to implement in my own known language like javascript or it provides some samples, tools to help get started
# jeevanjot i found it thanks https://github.com/BasixKOR/awesome-activitypub
# nightpool[m] hi jeevanjot! ActivityPub is a protocol for communication, like HTTP, HTML or SMTP. Using ActivityPub, combined with the document format laid out by ActivitySteams
# nightpool[m] hmm okay lol
patrice[m] joined the channel