#social 2020-03-07
2020-03-07 UTC
nebunez, defnotarobot, sl007 and cwebber2 joined the channel
# nightpool[m] oh no! good luck, I hope everything goes well
zRz and RzR joined the channel
# nightpool[m] sl007 (IRC): doesn't look like we have enough people for a real formal meeting, but happy to have an informal chat on IRC if you still want to talk
# sl007 no, i am fine. It is hard to react for people within a few hours as said, I think, people already exchanged some ideas via AP today and I am able to use the ticket for #BMGBVB to drink a Corona w. 81.000 ;) All the best to cwebber2
puck joined the channel
# nightpool[m] In general it's very hard to enumerate all the ways an account or status might have been fetched by a remote server, so we send Delete notices to all known servers
# nightpool[m] since they're just a request to delete the local cache of the account/any of its content, if you don't have a local cache of the account it's completely safe to ignore
# nightpool[m] one thing that's interesting and might help you is that, to help smooth this process, mastodon returns 410 for accounts that have been deleted, so if you ever see a 410 when fetching a key, it's completely safe to just drop that job entirely
# nightpool[m] yeah as long as you're returning a terminal error that should be fine
# aaronpk i tried sending type: Update, actor: https://aaronparecki.com/aaronpk and object:
{full actor object}
defnotarobot and tsyesika7 joined the channel