#social 2020-09-10

2020-09-10 UTC
testman and sl007 joined the channel
Question : If I want to say "These are other profiles of the same person within the same protocol", is there an existing link rel? SeeAlso https://socialhub.activitypub.rocks/t/defining-alsoknownas/907
sl007: ye olde XFN rel=me http://gmpg.org/xfn/11
sl007: not with the protocol part though I guess
rhiaro Ok, thanks. This is how I answered in socialhub … I would prefer to go on using 'url' and rel='me' somehow …
sl007: yeh, I recognise that for the particular case where the linked identity is a URL.. but for the DID case we need it to be URIs, and we don' thave space for a nested Link object I think, it needs to be a simple property-value thing
sl007: I didn't realise the AS2 spec specifically said "representation of the object" for the url property to be honest! I thought the value of URL in practice could be eg. a link to your company website, your online shop, anyting you might want to link to from your profile but isn't necessarily another representation of your profile
will read the DID spec
sl007 joined the channel