rhiaro... some information has been announced as part of the digital services act which has politically vague statements on the roll of platforms in the digital market
rhiaro... they are also saying that probably the most powerful competitive instrument of the planned digital markets act could include the possibility of imposing regulatins on platforms for the interop of their services
rhiaro... they asked about scientific exerpts in the eu and said the experts were overwhelmly positive and the commission has been considering obligations for a long time
rhiaro... it's not clear what is happening, everyone who has connections ith commissioners are trying to push .. the big platforms will start saying it should be as weak as possible and not too much regulation
rhiarosl007: we want to speak about what tools we can use to demand, if we demand compulsory interoperability, because maybe that's something we should vote for as this CG.. we can say as the CG to the EU we've got a protocol recommended by w3c and we demand compulsory interop from you to make it a human right... then I don't know, something like this? And maybe an open letter?
rhiaro... and we should all have the fediverse users to look up their faourite MPs/representatives in the monopolies, eg. on twitter and send them 'I want AP for all' and if you've got other ideas and how we can get into the process
rhiaro... what I did was to speak with four different MEPs about the situation and two fo them are very open minded and because they are very into the subject
rhiarosl007: the fediverse is the power of humans and if we say people just look up your favourite MEP in twitter or facebook and try communication with them
rhiaro... one of them was that we wanted to advocate for a ineroperable protocol that has at least one free and open source software implementation but ideally more
rhiaroian: I had one suggestion which is that people work with national campaigning/advocacy groups that are already very involved at national and eu levels
rhiaro... the commission is going to publish proposals next week, it will then go to the eu parliament and member states, there will be moments where activism will have the most impact
rhiaro... when meps are considering amendments to the proposals so you can maximise the impact of your actin by working with people who are tracking what is happening in brussels or in the national governments
maymay(just commenting on IRC) I like the idea to push for principles rather than a specific protocol, but also see the risk that the major players just roll their own "interop" APIs that don't fulfill anybodys needs and end up with X competing protocols
rhiaro... I would strongly recommend that people in this group want to participate, establish the brussels meeting points for the free software comunity
rhiaro... they never will focus on activitypub or the fediverse they already have this topics of interoperability as a side note and some of their papers
rhiarocwebber2: somethign we didn't do - these meetings are supposed to only be happenign with members of the social CG.. we pulled in a bunch of people and now we've got people here who are not officially in the social CG
rhiaro... I request that you join, the reason is that this protects us from patent issues. it's less risky today because we're talking about policy, but for technical conversations it's important
rhiarocwebber2: the bit about regulators looking at companies... they will start focussing on which companies are qualified to do these things.. there was an ack that part of the prolem is that self hosters and community run instances tend to fly under the radar
rhiaro... I think the main thing we really want to be careful about in some of this legislation is that most legislation assumes that the only way to do things is with big players
rhiaro... big players, the current structure of twitter and so on are the only way that many people can imagine because they ahven't been exposed to anything else
rhiaro... that would be very ironic because it might actualy cut out some of the most viable paths to accomplishing what the regulation actually wants t do
rhiarohellekin: the eu asked amazon, facebook and google and microsoft to figure out a law for content and they came up with this time based restriction
rhiarohellekin: to mention that we've been orgnansing on the social web and there's also something calld public(?) that's a libre ifrastructure consortium
rhiarosl007: my question is .. the structure in the W3C, since we are a CG within W3C we basically have no official voice. Is there any process who is discussing policy issues like this?
cwebber2rhiaro: unfortunately I don't really have an answer either... there's often policy discussion amongst AC reps, but there's not a lot of actions that come from that because the W3C focuses on technical specs
rhiarotreora: I agreed and appreciate what vittoria and ian said, to talk to politicians about how brussels work. I moved to brussels 2 years ago and still don't know
rhiaro... sometimes when I go to events in brussels, people like ?? ... tells me you can tell me it's important but we don't see any requests about it from the population
rhiaro... the path is not to allow the mainstream social corporate media to remain in place, but to create an even playing field by having them removed because they're under legal attack and also under cnsiderabe ethical issues
rhiaro... to have eu removed from facebook and from twitter and no longer endorsing it and then to renew the grounds and start back filling it up with the obvious candidate to take that roll is to have something with a w3c standard behind it
rhiaro... they were not completely in favour of this, as not as much as the european people, but now it's becoming more favourable, but very heavily influenced by american oranisation members
rhiarocwebber2: the group which succeeds here would have to be one that would be.. who is stepping up to organise the next few meetings out from this one?
rhiaro... what is most likely is the legislation will at a very high level say these large companeis must support or enable interoperability, and leave it at that
rhiaro... I've written two reports on this topic, which I said there - EU standards have tended to come out of very government focussed standard bodies
rhiaro... in terms of where people could coordinate, I'm sure that me and vitorrio and gerben would be happy to keep anyone on this group interested up to date on what is happening month by month
rhiaro... and to thinka bout ways when specific issues are coming up like signing letters or speaking at meetings to persuade MEPs to look at the issue next year we could coordinate again
rhiaro... who is alrady doing the work who says we are aware of the socialcg and pull in those people so we can have a community oriented intpu into the proceses that are happening
rhiaroeveryone please skim back for [??] and correct typos or fix names if possible in the next few minutes before I tell RRSAgent to publish them please..
ZakimAs of this point the attendees have been rhiaro, Sebastian, Lasse, cwebber, pukkamustard, derek, joost, christina, hellekin, rysiek, michiel, gerben, Leenaars, ian, eesti, (Derek,