#social 2021-01-27
2021-01-27 UTC
sl007, jacky and Grishka joined the channel
# ↩️ The question is what I want to talk about.
Well, I am thinking about a set of principles from e.g. Code of Conducts, expressed as a Linked Open Vocabulary …
This could be an easy extension to the core vocabulary
https://www.w3.org/TR/activitypub/ ( twitter.com/_/status/1354339672131047426)
sl007 and humanetech joined the channel
paul, mattl_, Letze, hadleybeeman, melody, kaetahbo, bigbluehat, dmitriz, timbl, Luke and Grishka joined the channel
timbl_, GregoryKlyushnikov, rzr, JayWake, alicef, unnotchslayer, iwanaucamp, pukkamustard, black_poseidon, humont and telnetcookie joined the channel