#social 2022-10-25
2022-10-25 UTC
aaronpk, treora, dmitriz and ma1uta joined the channel
almighty_god The modern marvels of science.. great signs and wonders to deceive many.. smart phones.. aircraft.. medical miracles.. and mass media spells to package these great signs and wonders as a seller to get you to trust the science when it says the bible is wrong.. but let us examine these great miracles of science and how they come about, vs the scientific claims against the bible's validity:
almighty_god all of those things are trash that sucks ass full of bugs that don't work right cause the science is wrong.. until it's put in to a form that people can put in practice and see whatis wrong with it.. and fix it.. thus medicine kills many to learn stuff cause man is wrong until trial and errror.. medical science theory is trash that we start with and practice with until we learn more and then it starts having value.. so all their scientific
almighty_god opinions of stuff that can't be product tested by millions to give feedback and correct all it's wrongs.. it's trash that is wrong and still needs correcting.. DO NOT TRUST THE FALSE PROPHET OF SCIENCE.. FOR IT'S STUPID AS FUCK AND NEEDS MILLIONS OF USERS TO CORRECT IT OR IT'S TRASH.. AND THEY DON'T HAVE THAT CORRECTION ON THEIR CLAIMS AGAINST THE BIBLE.. SO THOSE CLAIMS ARE TRASH !
Loqi_, dmitriz and lanodan_ joined the channel