#social 2022-11-05

2022-11-05 UTC
timbl joined the channel
↩️ I don't see much in a quick scan of https://www.w3.org/TR/activitypub/#security-considerations that gives me hope that my delete requests will be unforgeable and honored. Fun fact: I remember when (and maybe even helped prompt?) German Usenet groups arrived in the US. Good times!
timbl, treora and mro joined the channel
↩️ FWIW, there are W3C specs for protocol and data format. While the ActivityPub protocol does not appear to support any versioning, the ActivityStreams JSON format is extensible. What this means in practice remains to be seen, oc. https://www.w3.org/TR/activitystreams-core, https://www.w3.org/TR/activitypub/
Hcate, timbl, mro, MrVikramIN and josemanuel joined the channel; MrVikramIN left the channel
↩️ ActivityPub is an open protocol standard maintained by the W3C https://www.w3.org/TR/activitypub/ The organisation that has fostered, stewarded and standardised the protocols of the web since 1994 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Wide_Web_Consortium
mro joined the channel
↩️ Utiliser l'URI identifiant l'acteur ActivityPub est encore meilleur car plus standard : https://www.w3.org/TR/activitypub/#actors Et taper l'URI de l'acteur dans le moteur de recherche de Mastodon fonctionne parfaitement.
mro joined the channel
mro and mro_name joined the channel
↩️ Tbf. Mastodon is built on such a protocol. https://www.w3.org/TR/activitypub/ And you can get RSS feeds from most mastodon accounts.
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Hcate left the channel