mro, bencrus, Mike5 and vianka joined the channel; Mike5 left the channel
#mrois there still such a thing as the 'Social Web Working Group' at the W3C? Who fosters the ActivityPub standard?
mro and Deuchnord joined the channel
#DeuchnordHello, not sure I'm on the right channel to report this. I have found the website at, it looks like the link to the test suite is broken.
#tantekThanks Deuchnord. Yes the ActivityPub test suite has been down for a while. You may be able to find more information about it on
#tantekmro the Social Web Working Group (WG) closed in 2018. The Social Web Community Group is still open and uses this channel. See for more info
#tantekrhiaro, since you have chan ops, is there a way to kick/block/ban folks that spam? e.g. rando crypto/investment stuff 👀
#nightpool[m]tantek: is this in reply to something? I only see messages from you and Loqi in this channel for the past week
#aaronpknightpool[m]: looks like you're on matrix, it could be that something is wrong with the bridge and it's skipping messages
#nightpool[m]aaronpk: hmm, I can check, but since Loqi's posting has been consistent I would be surprised.
#nightpool[m]tantek: is it possible that there was something wrong with the indiewebs bridge such that messages sent through that service weren't reaching the w3c IRC server?
#aaronpknot sure what you mean. do you see the message from Deuchnord from 3 hours ago?
#tanteknightpool[m] AFAIK there are no messages coming through an "indiewebs bridge". All the messages logged on from people without [m] in their name are from IRC directly
#tantekmore likely that there's something wrong with the W3C IRC <-> Matrix bridge (nothing to do with any IndieWeb infrastructure)
#aaronpkcorrect, the web interface publishes the logs from whatever Loqi sees on IRC
#aaronpkbut there is no gateway into this channel on the side, only matrix, and I don't know who runs that gateway