2023-03-10 UTC
cel, treora, Loqi___, cel_, celehner and celehner_ joined the channel
# epoch is mastodon doing activitystream questions out-of-spec?
# epoch (or maybe I'm just reading stuff wrong)
Loqi___, csarven and ajordan joined the channel
# cel epoch: souds like a good question to me. i don't know an answer though. try the mailing list?
Loqi___ joined the channel
# cel anyone have contact with nightpool[m]? bridging of #socialcg:cybre.space is semi-broken (one-way)
# cel[h] nightpool[m] (IRC)
# cel[c] nightpool (@nightpool:cybre.space)
Loqi___, nazariors, dani and targz joined the channel; dani left the channel
targz, Loqi___ and Loqi joined the channel