#social 2023-09-21
2023-09-21 UTC
timbl, treora, tantek and mro joined the channel
capjamesg Hello everyone! We have written up some FAQs that cover questions about the CG and the WG. I would love feedback on what questions have come up about the work we do so I can document them!
capjamesg https://www.w3.org/wiki/SocialCG/FAQ
capjamesg Wiki edit access is limited but I am happy to collaborate on changes with everyone.
capjamesg Thus far we address questions like who can participate in the CG/a prospective WG, what powers the CG has to amend standards, and more.
tantek capjamesg, these look reasonably good. the "What is a Working Group" would be better answered by first linking to the W3C Process, and then noting it is composed of Members who decide to join, one or more (co-)chairs appointed by the W3C Team (usually with strong input from the community which the Team typically follows), and then Invited Experts that the Chair(s) agree (reach consensus) to invite typically based on some sort of open & reasonable[CUT]

tantek that is, it's not accurate to list (and thus emphasize) Invited Experts first in the description here https://www.w3.org/wiki/SocialCG/FAQ#What_is_a_Working_Group.3F

mro joined the channel
capjamesg Thank you for the feedback!
capjamesg I have amended the page!
capjamesg Done!
timbl and mro joined the channel
timbl joined the channel
capjamesg Fixed.
capjamesg tantek++
ora and timbl joined the channel