#eprodromandy piper: self-introduction. Member of multiple Open Source organizations and a member of various teams, working with Mastodon and IFTAS.
#eprodromreilly: Reilly Spitzfaden, interested in Fediverse, audio engineer
Shauna joined the channel
#eprodromtantek: IndyWebCamp Brighton will be March 9-10. Still tickets available. Great for locals. People doing hacking and sessions on all kinds of things.
#eprodromdmitriz: good idea to move wiki content into GitHub?
#eprodromemelia: GitHub discussions or other issues?
#eprodromtantek: questions page? Other way for people to connect?
#eprodromjohannes: lots of discussions in Matrix group, also
#tanteks/questions page/Questions page inside the Primer? perhaps eprodrom can create a Questions page inside Primer as a starting point to point people to
#eprodromryanbarrett: some notes on how HTTP signature works now, will consider how others use it.
#eprodromaarongrey: would like to see alongside spec, want to see working implementations. Minimal implementations for testing. Example infrastructure that people can build from.
#eprodromaarongrey: would give some examples for working with.
#eprodromemelia: some implementations working on modular work.
#tantekeprodrom: it's an important part of how we make the AP ecosystem a growing expanding ecosystem that covers new ways of social interaction
#tantekeprodrom: this has been published last week as an official Draft Report of the CG as agreed at the last meeting
#tantekeprodrom: good time for us to be putting some of this into practice
#tantekeprodrom: it would be good to step through this process with a widely used extension
#tantekeprodrom: there are a few popular extensions like the Security Vocabulary that might be good candidates here
#tantekeprodrom: if you have time, this is also an area to please collect some issues on this draft before we go to something final
#tantekeprodrom: one part of this policy is about versioning
#tantekeprodrom: one of the things we have tried to do with ActivityStreams context is have the tip of our version history at the W3C context document
#tantekeprodrom: but in situations where it is important to maintain an exact version of the document, we also have a version history listing, so you can say this document uses exactly this context
#tantekeprodrom: we have main links and also version links
#tantekeprodrom: we have made changes in the context since the last time we published a version
#tantekeprodrom: the current version we have listed in our version history is 1.10
#tantekeprodrom: I did a diff, I think it was A who brought it up, we have added the vCard namespace to the main context document and alsoKnownAs term
#tantekemelia: my question is about the extensions policy, my question is about backwards compatibility. are future versions required to be backwards compatible?
#tantekeprodrom: I think that the document as described is additive, append-only structure. It does not describe a mechanism for updating or replacing terms within the existing context.
#tantekeprodrom: That is an important part, I'm going to open a ticket to note append-only backwards compatibility.
#tantekeprodrom: spam attack on the fediverse, mostly direct messages directed at individuals
#tantekeprodrom: looks like some kind of discord between different groups, using the fediverse as a battlefield
#tantekeprodrom: lot of work going on with dealing with this large issue
#tantekeprodrom: wanted to make sure we had a discussion here about it
#tantekthisismissem: it wasn't commercial, it was two hacking groups of kids / teenagers. one from one discord server, another from another discord server
#tantekthisismissem: the link in the spam was to the target discord to get taken down
#tantekthisismissem: we have taken away some of the heat from ActivityPub platforms. did an interview with TechCrunch
#tantekthisismissem: this is not a Mastodon platform, this is a problem with Discord in Japan allowing the kids to do hacking activity
#tantekthisismissem: a reasonably well organized group of teenagers, potentially with an adult involved
#tantekthisismissem: it was reported to Discord, specifically to their Child Abuse Department and they went "meh, not our problem because you're not a parent of any of the teenagers involved"
#tantekthisismissem: this attack leveraged outdated instances, those with open registration, then automated processes to create accounts, and send the spam
#tantekthisismissem: normally we see one instance attacked. in the case of these Japanese kids, literally 100s of servers at a time sending out the same spam.
#tantekthisismissem: so our strategy for mitigation was very different than just one instance
#tantekthisismissem: it was actually a much more sustained spam attack than what we've ever seen before
#tantekthisismissem: possibly highlights a very fatal flaw in our current open federation model that we have
#tantekthisismissem: the other thing is that Japanese police are involved. there are criminal prosecutions involved for those involved with the spam wave
#tantekj12t: if it were an actual commercial attack rather than just teenagers, do we know what the plan is?
#tantekthisismissem: I linked to a paper that was published that explores a bunch of the more sophisticated threats to the fediverse
#tantekeprodrom: there was no shifting of content or keyword mashing.
#tantekeprodrom: it would have been tractable with Bayesian approaches
#tantekeprodrom: we have some technical barriers to using these techniques. we need to be considering how to incorporate these techniques into our systems
#tantekdmitriz: we are at time, need to pause here, final comment thisismissem?
#tantekthisismissem: when we blocked hashtags, they adapted the spam and removed the hashtags. when we blocked images, they removed the images and started mentioning a bunch of useres. it did evolve
#tantekdmitriz: let's continue the conversation offline
#tantekdmitriz: see you all the first Friday in April, April 5th
#thisismissemon misunderstandings of ActivityPub, this is one of the examples I saw going around: claims that activitypub is *push only*, which is factually incorrect (my response): https://hachyderm.io/@thisismissem/112017863938169538
#thisismissemtl;dr is that I specifically point out that another platform (a billion dollar company) failing to moderate had economic and quality of service impacts for the fediverse, and also that to better solve these problems we need more funding