#stream 2025-01-26

2025-01-26 UTC
[Joe_Crawford] joined the channel
[@maypop_neocities] in my texed editer. straight up “wrytin it.” and by “it.” haha. well let’s justr say. an article on my website for once instead of just redesigning it again without adding content. #indieweb (https://wetdry.world/@maypop_neocities/113891823744210924)
[@ragman] The Web NFC Tools in action! #WebNFC #indieweb (https://jawns.club/@ragman/113891823473163394)
[@ragman] New post about using the Web NFC API to store images on NFC tags directly! https://www.ragman.net/musings/nfc_experiments/ The TL;DR is that it's still probably better to store URLs on the tags, but this was a fun experiment! #WebNFC #indieweb (https://jawns.club/@ragman/113891801727709789)
[@xenenon] Got my website back up. Trying to have my space out there in the #indieweb check it out https://jeremyadampalmer.com and don’t mind the filler posts of gibberish its a WiP (https://infosec.exchange/@xenenon/113892685601308670)
[@claudinec] An offer: Helping you own your identity online... (https://aus.social/@claudinec/113892691925311030)
[@claudinec] (FWIW I've never been a customer of either micro.blog or omg.lol, mainly because I'm a masochist who prefers to build my website in Vim and the command line. But if friends now ask me for recommendations on newbie-friendly ways to get on the #IndieWeb, I'm not inclined to... (https://aus.social/@claudinec/113893672008596754)
[@claudinec] Via @jayeless, an analysis of this week's tempest in the #IndieWeb. @chipotle's angle helped me see why I was initially taken aback by the tone of some of @adam's posts. I've always skewed 'genteel' and it's taken me nearly a lifetime to realise that's because I'd been... (https://aus.social/@claudinec/113893659619328157)
aelaraji9 joined the channel
[@jlog] Aunque en casa me han pedido que hoy haga tallarines con nata eso no quita que ya esté el "Arroz con conejo" de la semana y buenos días. https://jlogp.org/blog/2025/4_26_1_25_Rabbit_rice #Blog #IndieWeb #SmallWeb (https://mastodon.social/@jlog/113893924838886029)
[@claudinec] Postponed my #IndieWebCarnival post again because this one feels more important. #IndieWeb https://www.claudinec.net/posts/2025-01-26-allies/ (https://aus.social/@claudinec/113894199433137010)
barnaby joined the channel
Claudinec++ good post. Worth syndicating to IndieNews IMO
Claudinec has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (13 in all channels)
[josephhinkle.com] Why I picked Micro.blog I value the principles of the IndieWeb. POSSE (Publish on your Own Site, Syndicate Everywhere) made more sense to me than the alternatives. It has a simple, uncluttered writing experience. It has a bookshelf feature. I read a lot… (https://josephhinkle.micro.blog/2025/01/26/why-i-picked-microblog-i.html)
[@smallcircles] @helge @mdione @matzeschmidt @selmins 💯 (think) slowness (act) smalness (feel) humbleness #smalltech #smallweb #smolweb #calmtech #responsibleplatform #indieweb #peopleverse (https://social.coop/@smallcircles/113894974696269652)
Mylove, aelaraji6 and aelaraji joined the channel
[@reillypascal] I have webmentions coming in from Mastodon now! I added microformats, including a "u-syndication" link to my site (e.g., here: https://reillyspitzfaden.com/posts/2025/01/databending-part-1/ — you can see if you right-click and "view source"), and I figured out getting my... (https://hachyderm.io/@reillypascal/113895837688103552)
[@stefan] This is a nice list of blogging platforms that highlights free options. Now you really have no excuse not to give blogging a try! https://manuelmoreale.com/blog-platforms #blogging #blogs #PersonalWebsite #websites #indieweb (https://stefanbohacek.online/@stefan/113895882370965981)
That table is cool!
[@countablenewt] Spent the past hour or so fighting with broken Docker installations...yay #IndieWeb #Docker #Developer #Technology (https://indieweb.social/@countablenewt/113896351306429876)
[tw2113] and barnaby joined the channel