#stream 2022-11-29

2022-11-29 UTC
petermolnar, catgirlinspace and [catgirlinspace] joined the channel
↩️ I’m also on the Mastodon, er… https://indieweb.social/@Uva_Be I just logged in there, it’s still the most like old Twitter. I haven’t been posting much anywhere yet, maybe I will post more next year? Only time will tell.
yeah but how do i get paid on the indieweb?
[eddie] joined the channel
↩️ I intend to finish connecting my blog http://phoenixtrap.com to the #fediverse and #IndieWeb and posting primarily there again, though.
petermolnar and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel; petermolnar left the channel
I’ve been thinking about adding hovercards to my site for quite a while now, and I think I will in the near future — thanks to your `hovercard.js`! I think I will modify it to use indieweb-glue-provided data instead of pre-compiled hovercards (of course… https://evgenykuznetsov.org/en/reactions/2022/re-333090751/
[Murray], Hello and [Michelle_Moore] joined the channel
Hey, you up? Come on over my parasocial paramours and occasional compatriots. Lets uh get weird, a bit, but over there. Join me for a slight reduction in inherent moral terpitude! @jonathaneugster@indieweb.social #Mastodon #Migration #WiPolitics
@byjlau I've done it but I don't understand it @dechen@indieweb.social
Playing around on Mastodon over at @mwr@indieweb.social
↩️ ridiculous personal grudge reasons, cough tantek vs timbl cough). Gosh. That was unnecessary hell. Don't do another SocialWG, anyone who wants to re-charter. Do an ActivityPubWG and focus on solving the problems we have, stay focused. The Indieweb vs Linked Data (3/4)
↩️ other" And actually a correction: there were *three camps* in the group: the linked data, activitypub, and indieweb people, and two of three of those (activitypub and linked data) hit convergence but I think the indieweb and linked data sniping is just too embedded for (2/4)
Zegnat joined the channel
↩️ Much more genuine than here and with much more potential! Though I will make the IndieWeb my home eventually and only federate / bridge to Mastodon, but for now it works as a home. It’s built on solid, open and somewhat composable sets of standards, so technically it’s okay
↩️ I would say: Start with a Mastodon profile somewhere, I think eg. @matteocollina and many others are on https://fosstodon.org/, then add in the IndieWeb stuff later through eg https://fed.brid.gy/
voxpelli++ for the perhaps unintended "solid ... standards" 😉
voxpelli has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (10 in all channels)
I can honestly tell you there is zero personal grudge between me and TimBL and implying anything of the sort or ascribing it as a source of any conflict is misguided at best. We have disagreements on technologies and technological approaches, and do so without any personal disagreements.
re: that rjmalagon manual RT of cwebber's post. I'm frankly saddened to see cwebber say that and frame that as any kind of source of any conflict because it is simply untrue.
[tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
↩️ both be aware of what devices are target users are on and be mindful that the devices we test on may not always be as representative of them (but should aim to be). #webperformance https://indieweb.social/@addyosmani/109429224923281118 (2/2)
[fluffy] and [benatwork] joined the channel