#stream 2022-12-07

2022-12-07 UTC
[monkinetic.blog] Are0h is one of the main drivers behind a ground-breaking social media presence called Play Vicious (now defunct). Over on his blog he’s telling the story of Play Vicious and the challenges he, MarciaX, and the site’s members faced.... (http://monkinetic.blog/2022/12/06/ro-is-looking-back)
[tantek.com] Two days ago my #BridgyFed followers crossed 8-bits:... (http://tantek.com/2022/340/t1/bridgyfed-followers-fediverse-responses)
[tantek.com] #indieweb 🤝 #fediverse... (http://tantek.com/2022/336/t1/indieweb-fediverse)
No, it’s just the #openweb, #indieweb, and #fediverse doing their thing.
No, it’s just the #indieweb, #openweb, and #fediverse doing it’s thing.
↩️ No it's just the #openweb, #Indieweb and #fediverse doing it's thing.
[@tchambers] Actually it's just the #indieweb, #openweb, and #fediverse doing it's thing.cc: @davew and @chipotle (https://indieweb.social/@tchambers/109470369183569689)
[@tchambers] No, it’s just the #indieweb, #openweb, and #fediverse doing it’s thing. (https://indieweb.social/@tchambers/109470350576561039)
gRegor joined the channel
angelo and [tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
[@kiko] Morning Routine and IndieWebGet up. Make coffee. Grab Smartphone. Read news. Read RSS feeds. It goes like this or something similar every morning and I ALWAYS get stuck on the topic of #IndieWeb. Surfing around for an hour or so. The topic simply hooked me. Today it was the... (https://indieweb.social/@kiko/109471776510837100)
IndieWeb is creating software to enable personal, independently hosted websites to independently maintain their social data on their own web domains rather than on centralized social networking services. Mastodon is the IndieWeb equivalent of Twitter. https://www.facebook.com/events/472032714995282
[@codefoodpixels] This morning I published a post on my #blog about using @eleventy to generate #Netlify scheduled functions.Actually, the website published it for me...https://lukeb.co.uk/blog/2022/12/07/letting-eleventy-schedule-its-own-builds/#WebDevelopment #IndieWeb #JavaScript #StaticFirst (https://indieweb.social/@codefoodpixels/109472082676453492)
Interesting article. Not sure an IndieWeb for everyone could ever work, but it's a solid thought piece by @mxbckhttps://mxb.dev/blog/the-indieweb-for-everyone/
gRegor joined the channel
Posted on Mastodon: https://indieweb.social/@codefoodpixels/109472082676453492 This morning I published a post on my #blog about using @eleventy to generate #Netlify scheduled functions. Actually, the website published it for me... https://lukeb.co.uk/blog/2022/12/07/letting-eleventy-schedule-its-own-builds/ #WebDevelopment #IndieWeb #JavaScript #StaticFirst
[@bauripalash] Apart from that, For about 4+ months I got only 1-2 webmentions, so I believe it is not adding much value to me or my readers. In real life When people actually have some comments on my writings they usually just send me an email or ping me on socials. I believe the fundamental... (https://fosstodon.org/@bauripalash/109472777400824783)
sp1ff``` joined the channel
Posted on Mastodon: https://indieweb.social/@codefoodpixels/109472845984252093 I noticed an issue in this where the function would run 3 times. I've updated the examples!
↩️ fundamental idea of #indieweb is great but it doesn't have the required attention from people which it deserved. For now I have to put webmentions aside. (2/2)
[@tchambers] @johanbove Hi: yeah i'm mulling over putting a cap of users on it - or not. This was always meant to be a home for #indieweb, #openweb and #fediverse developers and users, but also intentionally never made it ONLY for them.Thinking about it.#Admin (https://indieweb.social/@tchambers/109472985812143067)
[@ApisNecros] New rambling blog post about a general distrust in the term "terrorist." Not meant to be a deep-dive on the subject, just a brain dump really. #indieweb https://www.vzqk50.com/blog/scraps/define_terrorist/ (https://ioc.exchange/@ApisNecros/109473095432877008)
gRegor joined the channel
Wow, indieweb.social is reporting 5,200 users
gRegor, gRegorLove_ and [benatwork] joined the channel
[fantastic.earth/@abnv] Added a Micro Blog page on my website that syndicates from my #Mastodon toots. https://abhinavsarkar.net/microblog/ #indieweb (https://fantastic.earth/@abnv/109473832701370096)
[social.coop/@hollie] I was curious how easy it is to make a web page from a markdown editor (using "export as html"). Turns out, it's pretty easy! Looks great, too! I used #Typora for this.I'm sure I'll use this for making landing pages, sharing lists with folks, sharing notes. It feels like this... (https://social.coop/@hollie/109474110848647462)
[schmarty] joined the channel
[mastodon.social/@chrisaldrich] MEMOTO: app developers considering #Mastodon and other #ActivityPub related apps and interfacesPerhaps spend a day or two to add Micropub support to the platform first, then your app could potentially be used to publish to ANY website/platform that supports the W3C spec. #OpenWeb... (https://mastodon.social/@chrisaldrich/109474532768893044)
[chrisaldrich]++ for that
[chrisaldrich] has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (23 in all channels)
tiim joined the channel
however re: "Does Mastodon or any activity.pub app support Micropub then?" the answer isn't "no", but rather yes, every micro.blog app supports Micropub
[mastodon.social/@inthedeltawaves] So…I know how to cross-post from Micro.blog to a Mastodon account, but what about the other way around? #indieweb #microblog (https://mastodon.social/@inthedeltawaves/109474598784334174)
[werd.io/profile/benwerd] “As well as technical improvements he’d like to see, Prodromou has thoughts on what the fediverse can ultimately become. He thinks it will take some time for people to “detox from their Twitter experience” and realize that their social media world is no longer subject to... (https://werd.io/2022/a-creator-of-activitypub-on-whats-next-for-the-fediverse)
↩️ @indiewebcamp Is there some ways we can find out who and how, organizes massive #shadowbanning in twitter ? It se… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1599558536324730880
wow that newstack post really gives evan a lot of credit without mentioning anyone else involved!
gRegor joined the channel
aaronpk, the solo/primary visionary/founder/inventor/hero narrative is one of the common mass-media outlines that are used to write articles, and thus "journalists" produce them. at least they linked directly to a lot of historical docs/specs which do mention plenty of others.
I'm @ademagic@indieweb.social on @joinmastodon. But most my feed comes from http://front-end.social Is this a sign I should migrate to another server? Or is this what makes Mastodon awesome? Let me know when you know