#stream 2022-12-12

2022-12-12 UTC
[mastodon.cloud/@jlgatewood] @mzagaja @lonseidman The good thing about adding #indieweb and #fediverse modules to your website is all that syndication and SEO is kinda done for you. I’m looking hard into trying to make one of my own. (https://mastodon.cloud/@jlgatewood/109497718468972508)
There goes Substack. The more I read things like this, the more I like concepts like the fediverse (https://fediverse.info/) and the indieweb (https://indieweb.org/) #SocialMedia #decentralized
gRegor joined the channel
I'm on Mastodon as @chrisvitalos@indieweb.social .. Give me a follow if you are, as well
[indieweb.social/@loriwitzel] @tchambers Thank you Tim for all you do (much of which I can’t even guess at - very grateful for your efforts and this instance!) For anyone so inclined, if you can, please join me as a Patreon donor here - https://www.patreon.com/indiewebsocial #indieweb #supportyouradmin... (https://indieweb.social/@loriwitzel/109498654326364426)
[masto.ai/@mikewmerritt] Been having fun testing my #IndieWeb setup on my #WordPress blog. So far can post from it to Mastodon but not Twitter and can reply to posts on both.I'm also experimenting with the #WPFriends plugin, trying to see if it can replicate feed features to some degree. I've... (https://masto.ai/@mikewmerritt/109498727884762384)
↩️ trustworthiness/accountability, But, reading the focus of http://indieweb.social, especially the info about calm tech made me think it might be a good one.
[masto.ai/@mikewmerritt] The ultimate goal is to be able to transform #WordPress into a full #IndieWeb instance since right now the offerings, though great, lack the ability to fully engage with content in one spot like you can on Mastodon and other services. With the goal achieved, content ownership is... (https://masto.ai/@mikewmerritt/109498865555428599)
gRegorLove_ and gRegorLove__ joined the channel
[indieweb.social/@mehulkar] Added a Recently Highlighted section from feedly on my website. #rss #indieweb https://www.mehulkar.com/blog/2022/12/recently-highlighted/ (https://indieweb.social/@mehulkar/109499601118865749)
[chrisaldrich], tiim and [pfefferle] joined the channel
↩️ I'm also on mastodon at @joshuapsteele@indieweb.social ...
↩️ Btw, Kim isn't on twitter anymore. You can find her here though: https://indieweb.social/@cre8pc
↩️ We're not mutuals, but if you need trivial updates about retail stores and gardening, let me know: https://indieweb.social/@thisguyisdavid
gRegorLove__ joined the channel
Like many, I'm trying mastodon...@Meloneer2003@indieweb.social
[benatwork] and [schmarty] joined the channel
[werd.io/profile/benwerd] Thinking through a “share with Mastodon” button that anyone could embed on a website. It’s a harder problem than a “share with Twitter” button, because there’s no one central host, and it would be ideal to avoid creating a central location to handle these requests.... (https://werd.io/2022/building-an-open-share-button-for-the-distributed-social-web)
Looks like #accessiBe has abandoned its accessus·ai site. ‘Server not found’ for 12 days. Recall it from my @inclusivedesign24@indieweb.social talk: https://youtu.be/c-effkHJfU8?t=772 Some of the slides: https://adrianroselli.com/2022/09/overlays-underwhelm-at-id24.html #a11y Overlays do not work. Nor do their shill sites.
[mastodon.sdf.org/@mjgardner] @ruud @indubitablydubin I favor more radical decentralization where I own my own site that still federates. Not necessarily #Mastodon but interop via #ActivityPub and #IndieWeb. (https://mastodon.sdf.org/@mjgardner/109502208258503274)
↩️ Thanks for inquiring, @philshapiro. I have, indeed, created a #Mastodon profile: @ChrisTurnerEdD@indieweb.social I'll be sure to follow you on that other, expanding platform.
[plush.city/@fluffy] @albinanigans @kissane This is why I’m primarily into #indieweb these days. (https://plush.city/@fluffy/109502668388435966)
nedzadhrnjica joined the channel